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AOTCTC want's your opinion


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new gametype: how about a domination gametype just like (dare i say it) unreal tourney..... be a laugh defending a position with just a saber :p

weapons :how about the clone troopers weapon ... and for a move hmmmmm..... lets see...... how about a move where u can attack while upside down in mid jump ? (catch them on the head ) or even an actual kick (not the jump at someone type ) a proper kick with one foot on the floor ??




P.S this stuff is probably impossible to do but i think it would improve mp :D

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1. Better balance between light & darksiders.

2. Complex ranking system where depending on your rank, you get certain abilities. In other words, unique Light/Dark players.

3. Completely new force abilities to coincide with the current ones to work with the new ranking system.

4. Total weaspons revamp (guns). Add better accuracy, the ability to pick up guns-for-ammo i.e. jediplus, maybe add a new weapon or 2.

4. Improved Lightsaber combat. Perhaps other than having a variety of styles as it currently stands, have a saber system where, like the ranking system, you can choose your saber style.

5. Toggle-able emotes much like Admin Mod features. This would mainly be for RPG over anything else.



Well thats all I can think of at the moment. If I think of anyhting else I'll post a reply...or edit this post. *shrugs*






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One thing I would like to see is better health, shield, and ammo placements in the mp maps. One thing I enjoyed about UT is, that for the most part, you could easily get in a firefight, duck away, grab some health, grab some ammo, and go back out and do some more damage.

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:cool: Meh... Some ripoffs from other games:


1 - Characters. I'd say actual character classes like in Team Fortres Classic. It's all the rage:


Jedi / Sith

Bounty Hunter

Trooper/Driod (Sniper, HWG..etc)




Each Charachter should have thier own emotes (ie Jedi's meditate)


2 - Vehicles. Not to the extent of Tribes or anything, but the prime limitation is that only the Pilot-class, a wimp, can use them. That way they'd have to be protected and escorted to the vecicle.


3 - Another use of the Pilot, an Escape type game, like in Aliens vs Predator 2, where team 1 has to flee the base/prison/whatever. Trick is ONLY the pilot class can fly the damn ship, winning the game.


4 - If there is a point system then a a team should be able to palce a Bounty on the head of another team's character. If a Bounty Hunter then kills that character he'd get .. I dunno... double the points or something.

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all new animations with an all new ls system.


this is an old idea I had, I realize it wouldn't really work...but parts of it might. Obj teamplay ala sof2 style would be the shiznit.



The basic idea: Slow down saber combat movement from wild running around swinging like a crazed monkey to a more controlled scripted looking fight. Every attack as block animation just for that attack. 3 blocks to a parry.


This isn't a mod that 56kers or people in a server with a high ping would be able to enjoy. But screw them, its a mod and it takes stab at maybe advancing comabat and hopefully giving some real game developers ideas as to what works/doesn't work, so that it can be implemented into single player/multiplayer games of the future.


give walk 3 functions(different exploration/combat modes)

give attack 3 functions(different stances)

give forcepowers 3 functions(maybe)



Movement: Have a key toggle between walk/run/sabercombat mode. In saber combat mode you can only move forwards and backwards, depending if your holding the block button you will either block saber attacks or attack.


shift *walk - for slower exploration/sneaking. Good for sniping.

shift *run - for exploration/escaping danger. You can still swing your saber around, but it will be hard to hit anything less than a dead droid. Better used for blaster type weapons.


a strafe left

d strafe right

w forward

s backwards

z jump

c crouch


run up walls

flip off walls

forcejump high


*saber combat mode - This mode limits movement to forwards and backwards. You can still do normal jump/forcejump over your attacker ala ep1.



Blocking: You get 3 block attempts. If your succesful in blocking 3 attacks in a row you get chance to parry back 3 attacks. If you stay in block mode and start to block more than 3 attacks your fatigue starts to drain, when your fatigue drops past 65% its easy for your attacker to break past your block and slice you down to kibbles & bits.


Every attack animation has its counter block animation ie: top left to botton right attack swing has a botton left to top right block.


hold block key +


spacebar block


a strafe left - block left

d strafe right - block right

w forwards - step forward

s backwards - step back

c crouch - block low

jump - block top




Attacks: You get 3 attack stances


*blue - left to right swings



*yellow - top left/right swings



*red - overhead swings/spins



Parrys: After blocking 3 attacks you get to parry back your attacks in hope to drain fatigue and checkmate your attacker.


Depedning on what color stance your in the swing animations will vary. All swings do the same ammount of damage, the key to winning a fight is drain your oppents fatigue and break his defenses down. It is kinda like a game of checkers. Similar rules/strats


a strafe left+attack - swing left

d starfe right+attack - swing right

w forward+attack - swing top

s backward+attack - swing bottom





Force Powers: Limit force powers to..


*push - push your attacker back/break saber lock. Push objects around/buttons from far away.




*pull - pull weapons from oppents, pull switches/objects towards oppents in combat if your in sabercombat mode.




*jump - quick boosts, shoots you up 5 times normal jump

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Jolts, your idea sounds a lot like fencing.


I would also like the saber system to be rifined, but you don't have to go to far, maybe just a small adjustment here and there. It would also be cool to have a better parrying system, and make offence one of the better defences.


It would also be cool if you could put some time into really balancing the guns vs. sabers. Work with the Jedi vs. Merc game mode be something I'd like to see.


Keep up the good work, I look forward greatly to this mod.



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New Lightsaber system/Stances. Like Anakin/Count Dooku Fight

Completely re-vamped Menu System.

New Force Powers

New Weapons (None of the Weapons cept lightsaber since those weapons kind of weren't seen in the movie, well some anyway)

New Weapon system

New Animations

New Model personalities

New Model Interactions

Performance Issues *cuz I know what the gameplay will be like, I was the one to do the interviews, don't forget*

*there should be an option to download a lite version for those with less than NASA-like computers, and for those that SHOULD be in NASA:)

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I think the #1 most needed thing for JK2 MP is Objective Based Team Play. I have been playing a Q3 mod called NSCO (Navy Seal:Cover Operations) for some time now because it is so addictive. It requires that teams work together to accomplish certain tasks. There are several scenarios which could be converted to JK2. Such as:

- Capture the Briefcase/holocron: Usually 2 different cases located on a map, where one team (rebels) try to capture the case and return it to a certain location (almost always at the spawn), while the other team (imperials) trys to defend the cases/holocron/death star plans.


-Bombing(not sure this could apply to JK2): One team has to blow up 1 of 2 locations on a map to win the round. Other team trys to defend the locations.


-Assault: Usually 2/3 locations(rooms) on a map that one team has to occupy for a certain amount of time. Other team trys to defend these locations. If both a rebel and an imperial are in an assualt location at the same time, the timer stops until the defending player(s) have been killed.


-VIP (dont like these as much): Where 1 player on one team (usually imperials) is VIP and the rest of the team trys to protect him/her. The other team trys to kill the VIP to win round.


This mod is set up in a way that you play the same map for a specified time limit (usually like 20 rounds). To win a round a team either completes the mission objective(ie:capture/bomb/assault/kill VIP) or kills the entire other team.


Also if you are killed during a round, you have to wait until the start of the next round to play again (not an instant respawn).


I have found that these objective based team MODs are my favorite, and tend to hold my interest longer than the simple (and boring) FFA, CTF gametypes. Plus i think it would work really well in the star wars universe.


A good example would be something like the Battle on Hoth, where the imperials have to bomb the sheild generator, and the rebels have to defend it.


The NSCO mod was created by Team Mirage and can be found at http://www.ns-co.net. Talking with them might give you some insight as to how this works. And since JK2 is built off the Q3 engine, it seems to me that this would be very possible.


Sorry for the length of this post. Hopefully something like this can be done.:fett:

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-Bombing(not sure this could apply to JK2): One team has to blow up 1 of 2 locations on a map to win the round. Other team trys to defend the locations.


:cool: You could always have a 'blow up the sheild generator' game... the side that looses has their base bombed by... whatever the AOTC versions of Y-Wings or Tie Bombers are.

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It should be noted that there is a objective based MP gamemode in the game already. It's called Saga and it's totally functional.



only a few maps

buggy coding

Not much functionality


Several members of the forums have been discussing putting together a standardized improved version of the Saga code but we haven't gotten past the discussion stage.


As for suggestions, I have plenty but I'm using them for my mod. :) I wouldn't mind swapping ideas/code if you're interested.

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Well, I'd rather not discuss it on a public channel. There's way too much idea/code "borrowing" going on. And sides, I'd like to make at least SOME of the stuff a surprise to the general public. :D


I'm willing to talk if we agree to go with the standard "writer's pact". (Show/share our concepts but not borrow or use the other's ideas without direct permission. :)


PM me if you're interested.

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  • 1 month later...

Well it's been nearly two months since the last post here - I may be a little too late to get my two cents in! But if anyone is still interested, I posted some of my ideas in this thread:




Please consider taking a look.




P.S. Take a peek in particular at my "Trooper Class" suggestion - it might be a bit outlandish, but if possible I think it would be a lot of fun!

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