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115 Russians killed by knockout gas

Dagobahn Eagle

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Originally posted by Dagobahn Eagle

Actually, if the gas had been non-lethal sleeping gas, 115 dead Russians would still be alive by now.


Also, if the Russian Navy hadn't lied the whole time when Kursk, so would 118 Russians matrotski. (sailors) (grammar?)


Actually, no, I've been following CNN.com. Truly. :)



Actaully, no, it's more like matrosee . Truly.:p

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Sebastian, I think the gas was supposed to be a sort of sleeping gas, like the US SWAT teams use, but that there was something wrong with it.


Remember, this is the caring Democratic Commonwealth, NOT the evil Cold War USSR. The Russians are the good guys today, remember; No way they'd deliberately poison 100 people for busting some terrorists.

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1) The gas used is thought to have been developed in the 50s for trench warfare.


2) Of the people that died in hospital, only 2 of them died of gunshot wounds, the rest cos' of the gas.


3) The Russians even now won't tell the doctors what gas it is they used!!!!!! (if they did, a lot more lives would be saved)


Know you tell me if the Russians are the good guys!!!!




(No effence ment to be caused)

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Originally posted by SebastianSedlo

1) The gas used is thought to have been developed in the 50s for trench warfare.


2) Of the people that died in hospital, only 2 of them died of gunshot wounds, the rest cos' of the gas.


3) The Russians even now won't tell the doctors what gas it is they used!!!!!! (if they did, a lot more lives would be saved)


Know you tell me if the Russians are the good guys!!!!




(No effence ment to be caused)


what does that have to do with the russian's being good guys?...it was just a mistake they made with the gas, either wrongly selecting one, or a wrong judgement...


good guys do make mistakes...costly mistakes at times too...

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(No [offense] ment to be caused)


Well, seeing how I got pretty annoyed by that and I'm only a citizen of a neighbouring country of Russia.. I guess a Russian would have been TO'ed if he read that. Or maybe I'm just short-tempered.


Saying the Russian police is the "bad guys" for messing up when rescuing the hostages is like saying that the passengers on Flight 93 on 9/11 (the plane where the hijackers were overthrown) are the bad guys because they couldn't save the plane from crashing!


Or that the Taliban are the good guys and the Americans are the bad guys because the WTC couldn't handle planes hitting it (which they were supposed to be able to). Nobody posted "AMERICANS ARE SO DAMN STUPID" after 9/11, did they :mad:


I can name one person who still suffers from the "Russians are bad guys because they were once part of the USSR"-syndrome. It's a shame.


The Chechens are terrorists, which they just proved. The CIS state of Russia is fighting Terrorism exactly the same was as the USA is (Putin's last speech actually sounded an awful lot like Bush's 9/11 speech ;)).

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I think that it SUXS that the gas had such a bad affect on the people. I think they didn't tell the hospitals ahead of time just because they didn't want it to leak out that they were going to gas them. I think russia was just trying to send a message that they just don't **** around with terrorists. I'm glad they were able to save the lives that they did.

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It is very wrong that nearly all of them would have survived even if they had used normal sleeping gas. Because any sleeping gas would have, of course, made them sleep, and a good deal of them would for instant "sleep" with their tounges far down their throat, they don't get air, they die. Simple. Many of those at hospital are there because of severe brain damages caused by lack of oxygen.


Also, a non-lethal sleeping gas may have not worked as efficently against the terrorists. You all know that the terrorists had a lot of explosived all around there wich could easily be set off, and it was very important for the security forces that none of the terrorists should have the chance to set this off, because then it would be 750 civillian casualties instead of 100.


However, the gas was based on some narcotic thing, wich there is very efficent anti-dotes for. If they had had that ready at the hospitals, or even better, in the ambulances, then many of them would have survived. The biggest mistake of the security forces was not that they used a home-made gas, it was that they had not alarmed the hospitals before just a few minutes before it all happened.

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