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I was an admin, I can do this


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I'll unstick this topic in a day or two, I just knew it would never get seen otherwise... O_o

Okay, I know all I ever do here now is promote stuff... but can you blame me?? It's the only way to get results!! That's why we have huge advertising companies, and 15 minutes of commercials per every half-hour TV show. O_O

What I'm trying to say is... I have a Star Wars Role Play forum in major need of some players. ¬_¬ Why not come and check it out - what have you got to lose?? ^_^

It can be found here.

The forum is called the Anime and Sci-Fi Basement.

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O_O I wanna know what he said!!

Or was it just "SPAM "?


Ah well, no matter, I guess I can unstick this now since no one visited my forum anyway! n_n


P.S. I bought Hamtaro toys today! Maybe I'll change my name to LittleDendeHamHam. What do you think?




Edit: ¬_¬ Okay, so who is respnsible for turning OFF the IMG tag? When I was the admin, these things just didn't happen...

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Well, I don't know about you, but I could do an RP all by myself! n_n In fact, what a brilliant idea! Maybe I'll do that. ^_^


And, no, I would never disable images! 'Specially in an RPG forum, cuz you could draw up a picture of a character and post it! O_o I'm a fan of images.

It sounds more like an Ike thing to me.


Oh, and I'll forgive Scarface; he must be a young'un and not know my great history when I was the one and only active RS admin, along with all the marvelous changes I made! Including the creation of the RSRP, Pilot Proving Grounds, and Gold Squadron Passcode forums, and the renaming of the Downtime, Flarestar, and whatever other forums I changed from lame names to cool. :D

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ya, especially for making the rpg forum. I finally got 5 more RPG characters made!


AAHH!! :)


Name: Saurat Denoil

Age: 26

Sex: Male

Race: Human

Title: Ex-Imperial

Transportation: Imperial Shuttle

Homeworld: Fest


Skills: Able to commandeer most Imperial land vehicles. He was trained in the use advanced imperial weapons such as the Flak Cannon and Missile Launcher as well as thermal detonators, trip mines, and sequence charges. He knows how to use them all with precise accuracy.


Bio: Saurat joined the Imperial Army when he was 17 with dreams of battles where he would bring glory to the Empire in the seat of one of the Imperial Walkers. He worked hard and made it to the rank of Officer by the age of 22, he an AT-ST driver, but didn't make it any further as some scumbag got in his way, preventing him from becoming familiar with his true dream: Striking fear into the hearts of the Empire's enemies in an AT-AT...


Carrying: Imperial Repeater, Bryar Pistol, 243 Imperial Credits, and a datapad.


Wearing: Black Cloak, concealing his identity, and wearing those imperial boots that he just would NOT give up.





Name: Drey

Age: 24

Sex: Male

Race: Human

Title: Dark Jedi turned Bounty Hunter (he's not necessarily evil)

Transportation: Imperial Shuttle

Homeworld: Kuat


Skillz: Can use the force, has a teal-colored lightsaber, can handle most weapons (particularly ones with sniping ability) Can drive a speeder.


Force Abilities: all neutral powers (speed, jump, sight) plus grip, heal, throw, absorb, and blind, has difficulty using persuation but sometimes it works. Can conceal himself from the force.


Bio: Drey is a dark jedi turned bounty hunter, he's given up fighting jedi/sith since it's too risky, and he enjoys stalking his prey, learning everything about them, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. He's one to use the silent approach instead of going in guns-a-blazing. He has no loyalties, just himself, he does however have a someone moral code he follows. He doesn't kill someone if it would make him look murderous, as that would attract attention, he prefers to hide in the shadows, watching his prey make a move that would justify its death, or slightly before the prey could act (see below about the sith apprentice).


Carrying: Teal-Colored Lightsaber, Datapad (which holds pictures of the people he's hunting), 1279 credits, and a slave remote to his Imperial Shuttle (which holds 1 swoop in its cargo bay)


Wearing: Black robes of a sith apprentice he killed (the apprentice was distracted watching his master get taken down by a Jedi Master whom Drey later was payed handsomely by), he wears a blue belt around his waist. Drey looks like this.




Name: Roiek

Age: 20

Sex: Male

Race: Falleen

Title: Trader

Transportation: Corellian Corvette, Republic Gunship, and Gian Speeder

Homeworld: Falleen, moved to Chandrila


Skills: Is experienced in trading. Avoids fights. Experienced using bryar pistol.


Bio: Roiek is a natural born trader. His family was killed by one of Darth Vader's experiments on his homeworld while he was in the outer rim trading goods. He has no love for the Remnant Empire, and supports the New Republic by supplying the with food rations and bacta.


Carrying: Bryar Pistol, 3000 credits, some bacta canisters, and food rations


Wearing: Silver-colored clothing, most likely cortossis.





Name: SABER2

Age: unknown

Sex: Male

Race: Droid

Title: Bounty Hunter

Transportation: Imperial Gunboat

Homeworld: Kuat

Skills: Able to fire all weapons, is able to upgrade himself, has a strange sense of humor.


Bio: This old Assassin Droid was built by a dark jedi, who used only the force to build it. The droid was sent on an assassination mission, but never returned. It turns out that he's a bounty hunter. Rumor has it that his master is a bounty hunter as well.


Carrying: concussion rifle


Wearing: Droids don't wear anything, however he is painted black.




Name: Muaor

Age: 22

Race: Human

Title: New Republic informant

Transportation: A-Wing

Homeworld: Taloraan

Skills: Piloting, Reconaissance, spying on imperial remnant, able to scout an area without being detected.


Bio: Muaor was born on Taloraan, a city not unlike Bespin, only it's smaller. Decided to help the new republic by providing them with information, years after Rogue Squadron liberated the city from Moff Seerdon. Was impressed with the performance of A-Wings, he started saving his credits for the day the Galactic Empire fell, he helps the New Republic by flying to worlds where the Imperial Remnant could be hiding, and reports back to them with his information.


Carrying: Map of the Galaxy, blastech dl44, 200 credits, vibroblade


Wearing: A-wing pilot's flightsuit



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I probably should, there's no previous history is there? (like is this a sequel to any others) if so, tell me what threads to read prior before joining it. It REALLY helped me understand what was happening in Cantina 8. :D


ah..sorry, all my characters are from the same timeline....the only one I'd consider, is SABER2, but i've got plans for him and all my other characters. :/ if it was the same timeframe as the cantina threads, i'd join, and on top of that i'm not familiar enough with NJO to be able to use my character/s to their full potential.




I will join it though, i just need a day or so to create the character. :)

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