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I need a CLAN!


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I've been playing JK2 OC since May. I'm a great gun user(Awesome sniper) and I'm pretty good with the saber also. I'm a mature player also. I won't leave the clan unless it's dead or no one is doing anything. I'm looking for a clan that plays CTF, FFA, or Team FFA. I would like the clan to have a server cause its getting hard to find nice servers to play, but you don't have to have one. I don't care if its a saber clan or gun/saber clan.


history-I was in Jedi of the Dark clan. (didn't last to long)



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Or join TS (the sith) we are a dark side (duh) clan and we are masters of the lightsaber.... Lately we play gungames as well (jedivmerc)... http://www.the-sith.vze.com


the website needs an update but our webmaster doesnt have much time anymore


email me to erliko@hotmail.com for a trialdate im in the so-called council and my Zonename is TS_Phy17


we have been going along since the beginning and we have more members then is on the list.... we used to be all-elite members but my clanm8s have been allowing to much goofballs to join, some left, others where kicked, so a good player is VERY welcome!

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Greeting Halo09,


Are you a StarWars fan as well? if you are, you may want to check out our site, http://www.alderaanknights.com. We are a StarWars RPing dedicated clan with 27 members (few more will be joining in the next few days) and most of us are active. As mentioned, we are a dedicated RP clan, therefore, each one of us have our own character to develop, together with the official story plot of the clan. The development of the story plot is depending on the outcome of each RP sessions and RP missions. Furthermore, each members started as initiates, then padawans, after receiving training from their own masters, padawans need to take a very comprehensive knighthood trial, they can only become a full Jedi Knight when they pass it. Sounds interesting? if so, please fill out the application from our site!


We also have our own dedicated server, quite a powerful one, we just had one RP mission last Sat. with 15 people on the server at once! Furthermore, we have been inviting ourside clans to act as our 'allied' or 'enemy' in few of our RP sessions & Rp missions to increase the fun!


May the Force be with you always.



Ric D'Sunga

Jedi Knight & Council Member

The Knights of Alderaan

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That is our current home page. We have 10 members. We use three ranks: jedi, Dark Jedi, and Merc. We are a saber and weapon clan. We use my server right now which has handled us all well. We play Sundays and Fridays. Ummm. Anything else just send me an Email and I will get back to you.



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Hi Fury would be very glad to have you, and we have a server up most of the time named *Fury* Clan Recruitment, and we have one named slow mo server. please visit our website at http://www.furygamers.com we have around 15 members at the moment and are a fairly new clan. well not the clan as it has been around for 6 years, but the jk2 team which has been around for a couple of weeks. Feel free to stop by our irc channel #FuryGamers on DALnet, or contact me at any of the following:


AIM: IAmTheRumor

ICQ: 76477859

MSN: fury_rumor@hotmail.com

Y!: fury_rumor

Email: Rumor@saiyanz-kai.zzn.com


again we would be very glad to hear from you.


thanks again,


*Fury* Rumor

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Originally posted by Darth Yoda85


That would be a bad idea. Join Sons Of Yoda.:D


Sons Of Yoda



Bad idea?



I mean, it's not like I make everyone who joins my personal slave.





*sees academy member sneaking off*



HEY! Number 14! Back to your cage, or you're gettin the whip! :mad:



Er...I mean.........


*looks around*



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Bad idea?



I mean, it's not like I make everyone who joins my personal slave.





*sees academy member sneaking off*



HEY! Number 14! Back to your cage, or you're gettin the whip!



Er...I mean.........


*looks around*




Lol...you sure know how to make a guy laugh. You're a great guy Obi!:cool:

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