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Electionamania 2002!

Boba Rhett

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Judging by how bad the mud-slinging has got this year, Darth Groovy and I have come to the conclusion that in a few years, all debates and elections will be played out in roughly the same way wrestling matches will be. :D


Now, I don't know about you but I don't want to wait that long to see this event so let's go ahead and make our own. :D


Names don't matter, years don't matter, types of matches doesn't matter. I suppose you can look at it as kind of like Celebrity Deathmatch. Now, here we go!


Remember, it's much better if you say them in the correct voices, or at least what you imagine the voices to be like! :D



Here are my contributions to get this ball rolling:



First match:


Abe Lincoln Vs. Stephen A. Douglas


The year is 1858, Abe Lincoln was running against Stephen A. Douglas. One of their heated debates get's out of hand and they take it to the ring. Here's what they have to say...



Abe: "You're goin' down like slavery, beyatch!"


Douglas: "I don't think so, Abe. Why don't you go back to Uncle Tom's Cabin!"


Abe: "That's gonna be the first... and the last time you ever dis Harriet Beecher Stowe!"


Lincoln proceeds to stomp Douglas a new hole and walk it dry then heads off to catch a flick in his favorite balcony seat.




Next match:


Washington Vs. The Red Coats



Washington: "I'm going to drop kick your arse all the way across the Patomac!"


The Red Coats: "Ohhh we're so scared. Being threatend by a man with a mouthful of pearly browns. Say, what are those things anyway, Georgy? Spruce, Elm, Maple?"


Washington: "Why, no, actually they're dutc... HEY! Quit changing the subject! I'm going to kick your arse and I cannot tell a lie!


Washington proceeds to chop down a cherry tree and beat the Red Coats to death with it





Now some short one liners:



Janet Reno: "I'm gonna make you my butch! ..err... B*tch! I ment b*tch!"


Clinton: "I'm going to smoke you, Dole! But dpon't worry, I won't inhale."


Al Gore: "I know I'm going to win because, you might say that I "invented" wrestling."


Arnold Schwarzenegger: "Maria? MARIA?! GET DOOOWN! Even if you beat me, I'll be back!"





Ahahahahahaha... Ahahahahhahaha.. ahhhhh... I kill me. Now post some of your own! :rhett:

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Santa vs. The Easter bunny




Santa:I am the kids' favorite holiday character!


Bunny: Kepp tellin yourself that, jugs!


Santa: Why you little!


*santa chokes the easter bunny, Bunny's head and eyeballs get big like bart simpson when he is choked*


Bunny: ack ack ack ack!



*bunny breaks vase over santa's head*


Bunny: Take that, you "bowl full of jelly" !!!!!!


*santa falls on ground and gets up*


*santa throws jell doughnuts of death at bunny*


*bunny's head falls off*


Santa: hohoho, bitch!

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Jackie Chan vs Bruce Lee




Jackie : Hey there "Bruce Pee"

Bruce : Talk is cheap, prepare to get kicked!

*Bruce Lee does famous movie kicks

Jackie : Bad day bad day bad day!

*Jackie gets Torru into the ring*

Referee : No interrferrence!

Bruce : Buahaha, you lose

*Jackie gets mad and kicks bruce lee*

*Bruce lee kicks Jackies head off*


And the winner... BRUCE LEE!!!!





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Originally posted by FatalStrike


Um do you really want Hot Air heads running the country?


then again....we have the air head part already...



man, I was only messin' around.....I think you're takin' this topic a little too serious......it's fun! :D

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Originally posted by AB_Legion

Well considering your previous posts in another thread I didn't want you to get overboard here. If you still want to talk about it, feel free to PM me.


I have no idea what you are talking about "in another thread" so stop your buggin and besides, forum nanny, its not your job to be telling people what to write.



Back to the topic


How about:

Pat "Robbed ya" Robertson -V- Jerry "The fallen" Fallwell

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Originally posted by Leemu Taos



man, I was only messin' around.....I think you're takin' this topic a little too serious......it's fun! :D






Do you realize that now you are going to get nanny all on my back!


Maybe I'm just having a bad say since my other computers Ram "went bad" and messed up a mother board I liked.

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Originally posted by FatalStrike


Do you realize that now you are going to get nanny all on my back!


Jeeze, I had a nanny on my back one time, boy, let me tell you.................






*looks around*



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