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Aces High


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This game is so awesome! It's a free online-only WWII game where you can fly wwii planes, vehicles, and ships! It's free too, unless you want to play with more than 8 people, then there's a small fee after 20 days, but still. Darth Rommel showed me this game last night, and i completely forgot about my interview at Mcdonalds today (which i must go to in 2 hours...) it's a little confusing at first, but once you know how to control the plane, it's awesome!!


I highly beg everyone who at least has cable or dsl to go check it out immediately!!

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Originally posted by NeoDios

Uh-huh. Two week trial then get billed? I think not thank you very much. :D


8-player "H2H" mode is free forever... it's playing on the SERVER that they bill you for. Everything is free for the first 2 weeks, after that, unless you pay a monthly fee you can only play in H2H mode (and single player practice). I've had the game for about half a year now- and it hasn't costed me a penny! :cool:

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I just got Deus Ex. bye bye. ;)



you do have to register a name though, so people u play against can see you. :) You can also play over a LAN, so if you don't have internet connection, you can use someone else's computer to dload the install file and play, cause i don't think w/lan you need to sign up a name or anything.

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I guess not



















yep...its true...boring as hell

















































now i feel bad





























ok...i was joking about the whole thing. i didnt even check it out :D

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My hand is trembling. I was doing SUPERB in the Panzer tank!!!


I got immobilized, my cannon and main gun taken out, so i switch to the small gun, which doesn't have a large range since it's mounted on the side. I take out planes one by one until they all got together to take me out. By the time i was done, i had 5 victories with it. :D I always die when i try using the planes. :)

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