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Good Modelling program for new guy?


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Hey guys, can anyone recommend a program for modelling that is user friendly for a modeler wanabe??


i tried to download Milkshape, ut i think it was a bad link....


Know any other places to get something good, or another milkshape link??

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those programs are really **** for modeling, trust me! i have all of them. if your starting out, Rhino 3d is by far way better for modeling, complex and extremly easy to use, and dosent eat up memory, evaluation at: http://www.rhino3d.com/ 20mb d/l, if you get it ill send you a...plugin ;) you can easily import your models into milkshape, to get it in game.

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Just get max... it's simply the best all around. Gmax is like max, so it's good practice (and it's EXTREMELY simple to use).


About RHINO: I always heard that rhino was really easy to learn, but I hate it (I have full vers). The UI gets on my nerves and it's kind of obscure, so the support for it is not as spanning as max or maya or lightwave.


BTW: I'm thinking about investing in some Softimage|XSI. Then I can make some coolie stuff.

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ive been using Rhino for over a year, and ive used all the other programs(except for Maya, and Softimage, im getting those soon), lightwave seems alright, but its modeling capabiltys don't match rhino. you can spend hours screwing around with a high end program like 3D Max, or lightwave, and do the same thing in rhino in less than half the time. don't get me wrong there GREAT programs, but there crap for modeling, i would only use them for mapping textures and animation, thats it.

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Originally posted by Rebel_Spy

actually you can make it, but importing the player model into the game that's the real issue, you must use 3dsmax in order to do it.

I have 3ds max, but have no idea how to get the model into the game. Isn't there a .glm plugin somewhere or something? I can't find anything to export/convert my files to an acceptable format, much less convert/import in-game models.

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Here is a list that has links to other lists with MANY other links to tutorials, tools, compiling information, techniques, walkthroughs, videos. Enough to shake a stick at.


Quit posting threads asking for the best modeling program. That is not gonna make a good model. You need to learn how to use the program you choose and learn about proportion and animation principals. Don't think that you are going to casually model and expect to turn out professional quality work.

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