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My Tutorial: How to use Q3Map2 for JK2


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I'd like to add something :). A lot of people will only compile using the compile menus in JK2 Radiant or GTK radiant. You can also do this with Q3map2, by creating new compile menu items in the project settings.


For example:


My compile line for Fullvis with Sof2map in GTK Radiant looks like this:


C:\PROGRA~1\LUCASA~1\STARWA~1\GameData\Radiant/sof2map -bsp $ &&

C:\PROGRA~1\LUCASA~1\STARWA~1\GameData\Radiant/sof2map -vis $ &&

C:\PROGRA~1\LUCASA~1\STARWA~1\GameData\Radiant/sof2map -light $


And my compile line for Fullvis with Q3map2 in GTK Radiant looks like this:


C:\PROGRA~1\LUCASA~1\STARWA~1\GameData\Radiant/q3map2 -meta -game jk2 $ &&

C:\PROGRA~1\LUCASA~1\STARWA~1\GameData\Radiant/q3map2 -vis -game jk2 $ &&

C:\PROGRA~1\LUCASA~1\STARWA~1\GameData\Radiant/q3map2 -light -fast -patchshadows -game jk2 $


Note that the bold sections are different from the original lines based on sof2map

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Hmm, I'll make a list of major advantages...


Improved light quality and light compile speed. Extremely drastic speeds, like upwards of 50x faster.


Improved BSP with the -meta option, improves efficiency by combining surfaces, removing coincident verticies and lowering face count and vert count across the map.


Hundreds of new features like fur shading, phong shading, cel shading, bumpmapping, support for 3DS and ASC models, foghull support, tons and tons and tons of other stuff. Check out http://www.shaderlab.com/q3map2 for more info, check the manual.

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Post a copy of your shader - it's likely that there's a better way to produce the same effect.


I'll post my lava shader, if'n you like. I copied mine from one that Emon apparently wrote for the Acid Storage Facility 2, and modified it so that it was lava.

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I'm actually using the Q3Map2 Toolz frontend, and here's my shader:






lightcolor ( 1 0 0 )

qer_editorimage textures/volcanic/lava2

q3map_surfacelight 500

q3map_tesssize 256

surfaceparm nonsolid

surfaceparm lava

surfaceparm water

surfaceparm fog

surfaceparm trans

q3map_material Water




fogparms ( 0.105098 0.147157 0.0431373 ) 128.0

cull disable

deformvertexes wave 100 sin 0 1 0 1


map textures/volcanic/lava2

blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO

rgbGen exactVertex

alphaGen const 0.9

tcMod turb 0 0.08 0.04 0.08

tcMod scroll -0.05 -0.001



clampmap gfx/sprites/fog

surfaceSprites effect 20 8 50 200

ssFademax 1300

ssFadescale 2

ssVariance 2 1

ssWind 10

ssFXDuration 5000

ssFXGrow 2 2

ssFXAlphaRange 0.75 0

blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE







lightcolor ( 1 0 0 )

qer_editorimage textures/volcanic/lava2

surfaceparm nonsolid



cull disable


map textures/volcanic/lava_test

blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO

rgbGen exactVertex

alphaGen const 0.9

tcMod scroll 0 -1

tcMod scale 3 3



map textures/volcanic/lava2


alphaGen const 0.33

tcMod scroll 0 -1



map textures/volcanic/lava2


tcMod scroll 0 -1

tcMod scale 3 3






The still lava is just a modified version of one of the Yavin 4 water shader. The flowing lava is a modified Yavin 4 waterfall shader.


(note: I just did a standard fullvis compile of my level)

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Originally posted by Emon

Hmm, I'll make a list of major advantages...


Improved light quality and light compile speed. Extremely drastic speeds, like upwards of 50x faster.


Improved BSP with the -meta option, improves efficiency by combining surfaces, removing coincident verticies and lowering face count and vert count across the map.


Hundreds of new features like fur shading, phong shading, cel shading, bumpmapping, support for 3DS and ASC models, foghull support, tons and tons and tons of other stuff. Check out http://www.shaderlab.com/q3map2 for more info, check the manual.


Ouch, some pretty damn big advantages!

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I've updated the tutorial, now you can access that page from my index page as well, I just made a frame for my index page so you can skip betwixt the 2.


Anyway, I've been reading up on the Q3Map2 Toolz frontend, it sounds pretty good, so I'm going to link to it and post it as an alternate way of compiling.


Ok, so then, I guess the next project is to make a list of powerful advantages over SOF2MAP, then a list of eye-candy, then we'll start with the 'how-to' create eye-candy', with lots of links and quotes from ydnar and stuff.

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At least, not in the JK2 sense - what about that one kind of lightmap/style thing he was working on?


I've been reading the Q3Map2 threads again (you learn something new every time)


So, the first Q3Map2 features I want to document are:



Cel Shading





... there's more stuff, I just can't think of it ... :(

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