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If Yoda can do all that fancy fighting...


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How come he still walks with a cane?

He's a frail old alien. The fact that he could use the Force to pour that much energy into his body is testament to his strength, but he can't use the Force 24/7 like that, it must put a terrible strain on him physically. You can tell he was really feeling it after he'd dealt with Dooku.



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If you watch carefully you can tell that Yoda is already breathing hard after he is moving the stuff that Dooku threw. He just used the Force when he needed it as his allie. He also saved his energy when he could. He could of floated on that hover seat the whole movie but he didn't. He's very tough but he just doesen't show it. Just cause he is the $hit doesen't mean that he is going to act like it or flaunt it.


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Well I know that personally, if I did the same thing Yoda did, as in jumping around the room like a 5 year old on a sugar rush, I'd probably have to walk with a cane afterwords too. The ol' knees ain't what they used to be.


Yoda does draw heavily on the Force during that fight. But I also think it's a bit of causing the opponent to underestimate him like MysticSpade said, hell, even just looking at him you underestimate him. The guy's like 3 feet tall...


But like Sam Jackson said in a interview. "Yoda is conserving his energy, he's not one to waste it. But the last thing you wanna do is make Yoda put down his cane..."

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