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MP fx_runners


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Two questions about fx_runners in multiplayer, I'm guessing the SP and MP defs are different for them and Diesal's tutorial uses the SP defs:


*1 - How do you aim an fx_runner in MP? Targeting an info_null hasn't worked for me.


*2 - How do I make the fx_runner cause damage? The key splashDamage doesn't do anything when I run the map in MP.

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It's nto running continuously...I want players to be able to push a button that sends a power surge down a corridor and zaps trhe players in there...so several fx_runners connected up with target_delays. It only runs when you push the button, and the button will have a long recharge time.

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So, has anyone got a fx_runner to point at a target_position in MP? rich's tutorial shows it, but it just doesnt work for me, and since he is 'out of the scene' at the moment, i was just wondering if anyone else had any info about it i could use :D


As far as I have found so far, it only targets things in SP :(

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