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Playing GB/GBC/GBA games on the GCN...

Lynk Former

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If you haven't already heard the news of this new from Nintendo that allows you to play all Game Boy games, from the first to the Advance games on the Nintendo GameCube then go here:



So what are your thoughts on this... "Game Boy Player"?


Personally I think I'd buy it in a heartbeat. I do take my Advance out places but it's crap wasting good batteries playing a GB at home. I know there's a power adapter and everything... but I like the idea of having it up on the big screen. I'd love to play Metroid Fusion like it were Super Metroid. :Dmr_weasel.gif

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Only $40...hmmm. Pretty good deal. Won't waste your batteries. If I had a GC I'd deffinatly pick up one of these because I can garentee you (and I do mean garentee) that alot of GC games will have little special things that can only be attained by buying the GBA game. (ie- if Metroid Prime had a special map that could be unlocked by hooking in your GBA Metroid game). EA is doing it with their sports titles with certain players in Madden 2003 only available if you have a profile from NACAR 2003 and NCAA 2003. (Had to rent NASCAR and a friend has Madden 2003 since I had NCAA 2003 we got the extras that way)

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Not a special map, the entire Metroid for the NES.


However, I don't think you'll be able to do anything like that with the device. Things like the Animal Crossing GBA island wouldn't work, so I assume all things that use a GBA/GC connection will require a real GBA and connector cable.

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