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I posted this on the official forums but didnt get a response. If anyone knows or has anything to add please share.


I spent the last 3 years playing EQ and while not all my time was spent raiding, I would say probably 75% of my evenings were spent going on raids with friends. Most of my guildmates and I would use our off peak game time to level up or get AA points and our peak times were spent doing epic raids or planes raids.


Will there be something comparable to Fear, Hate and ToV raids everynight in SWG?



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In everquest there was no PvP either so it was us against everything else.


Every night people would go to certain zones and organize "raids". You would have 40-60 people hanging out while the raid leader picked the groups. Once everyone was organized and in thier groups, we would all go in and kill all the monsters. These raids allowed us to kill harder monsters which lead to better loot, weapons and spells. The raids normally lasted anywhere from 2-3 hours up to 3 days for certain zones. Some zones you could go in and wipe them completely out leaving nothing living, others would allow the monsters to respawn so you could just kill them over and over.


Dragon raids happened weekly or whenever the servers were reset. They were basically the same as zone raids except you had to kill one badass dragon and you got some super loot.


Epic raids were the same as above but on different spawn cycles.


Some of my fondest memories in everquest came from leading raids or going on raids where my friends got some nice reward. The cool thing about the raid system was you didnt always know if you were going to get anything, but the more time and effort you put into raiding the better chance you had at getting rewarded.

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The only way for you to attack another player in Everquest (other than PvP servers) is to ask them to duel you or enter an Arena. If you /duel someone, the person you are dueling is the only person that can hurt you. You fight to the death for fun and nothing more. You dont loot the other guys armor or coin. There is no loss or gain from winning or loosing. Entering an arena is the same as dueling except more than 2 people can participate and once again there is no loss or gain.


On the few PvP servers its full PvP except you dont lose exp or any loot. You basically kill just to say you killed someone and nothing else. It was quite fun back when you could actually get something from winning a fight but they dumbed it down so much its useless to be on a PvP server.

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Wow, no PvP, that sounds a bit dull to me. I think I'm happy with the current PvP system in SWG, with the galactic civil war and all.

You have the choice to PvP, but you don't have to. However, big battles between Imps and Rebs do sound tempting.


I think raiding will be possible in SWG, because spawning works in a similar way as in EQ (I believe). But it will be less common, because more people will be pvp-ing in big swooping battles with thousands of troops, tanks and fighters......annd...anndddd....*drools.


Well, maybe not thousands, but I think I made my point somewhere along the way...

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That is the problem I am facing. If you enter the fight you must choose between factions. If you dont want to choose a faction you dont fight. The only way around it that I see is if I kill 100 Imperials I must go kill 100 rebels to equal out the faction. But if this is anything like EQ then for every bad deed you do against a faction, you must do about 1000 good deeds to make it up. So if I kill 100 imps and 100 rebels I will be hated by both sides :(

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1) PvP is Player vs Player


2) There will be PvP but both people HAVE to agree to fight!


2) :mob: You have the choice of joing a faction and ranking up and up and up or being somethign of a rogue and be on your own.


(this one wasnt brought up but ill say it anyways)


3) No one said you HAD to fight. You can own a stoor you can make a city as far as i know.


4) There will be quest and many other kinds of things to do. Come on the whole part of an MMORPG is the fact that theres allways something to do right.


:tank1: 5) you can even own your own vehicals.

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Oh doh i forgot something.


I heard one of the Devs say (i think it was Q) said that you can kill some one if they have a bounty on there head. but you cant say i dnot like that guys face and bang you kill him :tsk: .


And a waring for all you soon-to be bounty hunters.


Im going to haev freinds beware if there is a bounty on my head or this will happen :mob:

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