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playing from europe


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Well, the game was planned for release in the first week of January when I asked a while back, so I reckon it'll be released over here at about the same time it's released over there. Dunno about beta testers though.


I don't mind there being no european servers at first...specially since I'll be upgrading to the ful megabyte of broadband in the near future...but experimenting on the American servers will be good practice for when the european ones are set up.

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Old pain less!


Let me be the first to introduce you to our little old forums :)


Welkom bij ons forum! Normaal doet Wraith dit, en hij heeft er een stukje standaard tekst voor maar ik doe het zo maar even.... in ieder geval van harte welkom!



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Ah, yes, I almost forgot this guy:


Welcome to the boards!!! :)


Be sure to check out the Read This First thread at the top of this forum, as it contains some guidelines on how to behave, if you haven't all ready. :)


Most here are friendly and the aggression level is far from what you will find in the Official SWG Boards, so I'm sure you will enjoy your stay.


Please feel free to stay as long as you want. :)


And have some chocolate covered gnorts. :D Complementary Juztyn. :p


Also be sure to check out the SWGalaxies.Net site which is connected to these boards. :)

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I'd say either your friend is pulling your leg, or the magazine is full of turnips and pigswill. What's probably happened is the old release date has been withdrawn and a new one hasn't been put forward yet.


Think about it: Star Wars is one of the most successful franchises on the gaming market. I've yet to hear of a Star Wars game that hasn't been released in the UK. They're not about to start now.

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Originally posted by Ascari

Old pain less!


Let me be the first to introduce you to our little old forums :)


Welkom bij ons forum! Normaal doet Wraith dit, en hij heeft er een stukje standaard tekst voor maar ik doe het zo maar even.... in ieder geval van harte welkom!




with swedish and english combined i can allmost understand that :D

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with swedish and english combined i can allmost understand that

Exactly, Swediot. :D


But you need alittle german knowledge to, to decode it. :D


Nah, you can't decode it completly just by knowing those 3 languages, but you can get the general jist about what it says. :)



The release will as far as I understand only be in stores over in the U.S., but don't wuote me on that. :)

However, you will be able to order one thru the internet and play, that much I do know. ;)

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Welcome to



Hi im Wraith 8, im the Moderator in these parts

(en ook samen met Paragon Leon van de Galactic Battleground forums de hoogst rankende Nederlanders van de Lucasforums :D)


I hope you will enjoy these forums... i know i do :D and a lot more also do :D

Id you have anyquestions what so ever. please ask away :D


Now... what Jan told me... or was it what i read? well anyway.. i believe the servers will be in europe six months after release.

Thats what i think i heard :D


anywho... i hope you will hang around some more.


Official Welcome

*Gives a large box full of small, chocolate covered gnorts.*


C ya


-Wraith 8-

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