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How often do you use Force Push in Combat?


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I find that I use it alot. When fighting sometimes I can get right infront of an enemy (non saber wielding) but dont want to risk a swing while he is still shooting at me. So I just use Force push to knock him down and then swipe at him. Or, is there a better/easier way? It would be nice if there was a quick saber stab move instead of taking a full swing in this instance. Opinions?

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ditto, I appreciate its value, and it unfortunately makes it a lot easier to win if you overuse pull and push. But I hate people using it on me, so I try and use it sparingly on them.


If I use it on you in a game, its probably due to one of two reasons:


1) I need the kill to win a close game

2) You are a flag-carrier who will be too difficult to shoot accurately.

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I use it quite a lot, I guess. On pit-maps push & pull are the best weapons available, but I use push for the fun of it even though it wouldn't harm the opponent at all.


For example: someone kicks me down on the upper levels of Bespin and is in the air DFA'ing me. I push: his DFA stops in mid-air and he starts flying backwards, over the edge all the way to the other side of the map. :D


But pull is a much, much deadlier weapon. Try putting absorb on, stand close to an edge and let everyone rush in to push you. Then just jump a little and pull them all underneath you down the void. :D Or jump over a pit using pull in mid-air... it takes a lot of players by surprise. :)

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Originally posted by DeTRiTiC-iQ

I don't see how pull/push is fun at all, I certainly couldn't stand doing it for an entire game like some people.


Did you read my example? I think pushing someone in mid-DFA is fun, but I guess that's just me.. :)


Don't like spamming, though. Spamming = boring.


Pushing & pulling is imho fun in certain situations but (of course) it gets annoying if someone does it 24/7.


It's a good way to get players disoriented too. ;)

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Pushing and Pulling are the main ingredients to a Jedi/Sith.


I mainly use push if I am fighting another player and they are near a ledge. I only use it if I know I am going to lose. I can tend to notice when they are going to yellow stance DFA or redstance DFA, so I push them while they are in mid air if they are near the ledge.


They other times I use it is if I have a rocket that is locked onto me or with explosives are secondary blaster. Also if I have my saber down, and just chilling, and some one tries to kill me when I am minding my own business, I push them away.. and they keep coming back for more, even when I have my saber down. So i pull/backstab them. Of course I then get the .. "Thats Lame" But of course they are the ones that tried to kill me unarmed.. hmm.. who's the lame one? You might want to think about that.


But for those of you who say.. That was lame or that was gay if I push you and you die.. then you should have been smart enough not to do that particular move that left you open or you should have somehow countered it. :)


Practice makes perfect you know.


Oh yeah.. too funny.. last night on my server, I was empowered, and some nOOb kept trying to push me off the ledge on bespin. (on the platform) It would not work, he was like.. CHEATER CHEATER CHEATER.. lol I cracked up, and gave him the shock stick and no force powers (bunnied him). He was like WTF? LAME and then disconnected.. lol HAHAH.. too funny. :D :D :D :D :D <-5 smilies for that one!!!

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