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Jango Fett or Samus Aran?


Who'd win in a fight with Jango Fett vs. Samus Aran?  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. Who'd win in a fight with Jango Fett vs. Samus Aran?

    • Jango Fett all the way!
    • Samus Aran\'d haul some serious arse!
    • Not sure at this time.

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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

However, that is EU! Are we sticking to canon Star Wars here, or do we include EU?


I vote SAMUS, because I prefer older franchise icons :)

Also, Samus has yet to die ;)


Of course, thats where all the information on most of the things in the SW universe comes from.


Such as the company who made the X-wing, thats not in the movie, but everyone knows and accepts that it was Incom without accusing it of being EU or noncannon.


Most all the information we have on Jango is from EU, so it wouldn't be a fair comparison to disregard it.


Besides, the books are licensed by Lucas licensing, and therefore must be considered true to the SW universe unless directly contradicted in the films (ie. Bevel Lemelisk inventing the death star).

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ok, sorry i haven't posted on this yet, but i haven't been online for a while.


anyway, i vote samus.


artoo was slightly misleading a/b some things, or didn't know a/b them, so i'll point some things out.


That "thing" on his back also has a missle launcher. They are homing, and he also has ones that can split into three missle, all of which home.


samus has 250 missles, all of which home.


Flame thrower. Yeah.


samus has a flamethrower, too. plus, i'd like to see how much damage a flamethrower would do to her suit, which is heat resistant. it's not completely fire-proof, but it does protect her from extreme heat.



Darts. Ok, he's pretty versatile here. He could just poison her with a toxic dart. Or he could blow off her appendages with a high explosive dart. Or he could shatter that shiny little face place of hers with a armour piercing dart and make a nice little hole through the middle of her head.


ok, first: i'd like to see a toxic dart that could pierce her armor. second, samus can take explosions. her suit protects her. third: you say jango never misses, but i doubt he could hit her face plate while she's jumping, dodging, and rolling around, plus shooting at him.


samus also has a thermal visor (letting her target him in darkness or deep fog) , an x-ray visor (letting her see him even when ducked behind something like a tower), and a scan visor (letting her scan him and his armor for any weaknesses whatsoever).


Whipcord. One cord's just like another, who cares if it's energy based or not, they all accomplish the same thing. But i bet Jango has a longer range.


yeah, but can he swing from it, retract it from whatever target he stuck it in, and fire it again to keep on swinging?


Boba, an exact copy of Jango, took down the entire Bounty Hunter's guild all by himself. nuff said.


samus took down an entire planet of the most feared race in her galaxy by herself, only letting two ships escape. also, she completely elimenated the most deadly species in the galaxy, except for the few in the 2 afore mentioned ships, by herself. 'nuff said.


well, that's all for now. i'll be back later.

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The problem with this debate is that we don't know which civ is more advanced. Samusites contend that all her resistant stuff can block it all without knowing the potential of SW weapons, they just throw it aside for "neato" weapons and dohickies that may actually be underpowered in the SW universe. Same goes the opposite way. BTW, no dohickies and armor etc...Jango wins by a huge marigin...Samus uses a suit to get around, everything she does revolves around it...she is way out of shape...Jango went hand to hand against a JEDI for cring out loud!:cool:

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Originally posted by Jatt13

Samus took down an entire planet of the most feared race in her galaxy by herself, only letting two ships escape. also, she completely elimenated the most deadly species in the galaxy, except for the few in the 2 afore mentioned ships, by herself. 'nuff said.


Two words: Bando Gora

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Originally posted by darthfergie


"powers?" more like powersources...as for powers I don't see her using heat rays from her eyes or super healing powers or even the basic super strength. She has a friggin suit. amazing:rolleyes:. Doesn't mean she has skills.


yeah sorry i was in a hurry i had to take out the trash

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samus is infused with enhanced chozo blood, though, giving her more speed, agility, and power than a normal human. i'm not sure how that'd measure up to jango, though. i'm pretty sure she's at least just as strong, phisically, as jango. also, give some normal human the suit and see what happens. you have to have some skills to opperate the suit as effectively as she does.

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You've all proven exactly what I thought: It is very hard to compare 2 alternate universes like these, but I know it's not impossible. Now let's tone this down a bit.


YES, we will use EU, because (as it's already been stated) most of Jango's background is found here.


Samus seems to be a big time mode to me, really. (Mode means God-like, in Online Chat Roleplay Terms) She's really too souped up, which is the secondary reason I vote Jango. He's more down to earth, really, and he's not a walking "death star", so to speak.


*Seth Evil walks in*


Seth: *cough* Rip-off! *cough*


*Seth Evil walks out*


*blink* Anyway, that's my input. Let's make sure this is a fair argument and that we use fact and not biased opinions (Even though I think it's a little unfair to put Samus against Jango by herself. LOL!) ;)


And remember: No matter what, Mace Windu is still the king of em all!


*Ludacris' "Roll Out Song" starts bumping again as Mace Windu rolls in on a chromed-out landspeeder with hydraulics*

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Originally posted by Jatt13

samus is infused with enhanced chozo blood, though, giving her more speed, agility, and power than a normal human. i'm not sure how that'd measure up to jango, though. i'm pretty sure she's at least just as strong, phisically, as jango. also, give some normal human the suit and see what happens. you have to have some skills to opperate the suit as effectively as she does.


It's a friggin suit! So are you saying she's a big techie? A comp nerd inside the suit operating it? ...now that's a scary thought...


BTW, I didn't really know that normal humans can take on a Jedi 1v1 and still come out on top. "SO WHAT HE LOST TO A TOP JEDI MASTER HE MUST STINK!" ...top jedi master...THINK PEOPLE! When Mace Windu busts a cap don't nobody have a chance.

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