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Were you dissapointed with JO SP saberfights


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Nope. I think collision is great, it's very accurate like other games. I love how some of the AI can do those awesome manuevers. Play a shadowtrooper in slowmo (timescale .4 or .5), you can really check out the impressive stuff they do.

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Actually, I thought that the saber fighting specifically was fantastic. It was definitely the most appealing part of the game. On my high end machine it was just so smooth and I felt as though I was in complete control. After playing a lot of MP saber fights, I went back to SP and found that saber fighting was much better. I liked the flips and other moves the NPCs did. They did so much more than just stab and retreat. Sorry you didn't enjoy it more...

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The single player sabre fights weren't too bad. I would have done more with the camera work to emphasize the coolness of the fighting though. I would have liked to see longer combo moves, with better blocking. Knights of the Old Republic seems to have implemented a good saber fighting system. Although i'm only judging from videos i've seen, it looks great.

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Not at all, compare the saberfights in MP and in SP, which is more "acrobatic"?


I like Single Player saberfights more than Multiplayer, in fact.. though, some of the moves in SP are pretty cheap.. such as the blue dfa and red dfa.. those two are too manuverable.. it'll be pretty cheap in MP.


and I just LOVE the slow motion death scenes in SP, when you kill a reborn or shadow trooper with a lightsaber, the whole thing switches into slow motion.. and its just so cool, cool enough to wet someone's pants.


I would love to see the slow motion feature implemented into MP.. that is, when you beat someone in a duel.. or else it'll get too repetitive :ewok:

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SP was the only thing Raven did right, so no, I wasn't dissapointed... hell, I was addicted to the slowmo death's for weeks, I went to the pit in SP just to whatch Tavion kill me!


Originally posted by Hèkx Nòxú

I never play SP anymore. Hopefully the next JK game will focus more on multi-player, hopefully just MP :D


Bite your tounge!! A JUST mp game = mmorpg = pay to play


To Spinal: Blue DFA? WTF?!?!?!

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Originally posted by Wolf Devil

Bite your tounge!! A JUST mp game = mmorpg = pay to play

Hopefully they will emphasis more on basing the saber combat styles and moves on the movies. A few options like custom character creation and better support for RPing would be great. But I'm content with multiplayer JK2 at the moment :p

Making it more like SWG would attract more RPers towards JK3, which would equal more cash for the companies ;)


Originally posted by Wolf Devil

To Spinal: Blue DFA? WTF?!?!?!

Blue crouching lunge special ;)
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The Dark Forces series is FPS!!! While certain things such as character creation would be nice with DF4:JK3, it should not venture to the point where there is no SP because alot prefer SP (not me) and the frankly, I couldn't careless about the companies, they're gettin enough money as it is.


And it's called the appropriate name is the blade uppercut!!!! It does not come from above!!! And the lunge is not correct either, as the REAL DFA IS close to a lunge

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You're right, JK saber fighting did suck and it was so noobish hopin around, constantly tapping secondary inorder to get a one-hit-kills-all move. Then SBX 3.1 came along which had normal lightsaber, sith saber and long saber which all moves caused equal damage and had new animations which looked f***in awesome! While JK does have its limits, its plenty more editable than JO which puts it neck-n-neck with JO.

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And it's called the appropriate name is the blade uppercut!!!!


*clears throat* Blue lunge, thank you.


Anyways, I find the SP lightsaber fights, especially if g_saberrealisticcombat is set to 1, very dramatic and ten times better then what MP has to offer. Sure, fighting shadowtroopers, Tavion, and Desann are tough baddies, but hit collision and the emphasis on fencing rather then special moves (You can't script them as effectively in SP as you could MP) hit home with me. That level of immersion fit rather well for me, and blows MP out of the water.


Now if MP followed very close suit to SP, then you would have something on par with ProMod. In all honesty, it wouldn't be that damn bad (Now, if hit boxes along with headshots would work...).

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How did you feel about the AI though, wasn't it annoying trying to have a saberfight at times, and then push and saberthrow with the saber cutting you up soon as you get up. That had to be annoying to you guys especially when trying to duel seriously?


Also do you think that the speed is good, or that it should be slowed down, or is it fine as it is where you can read moves in time and react?


Also what combinations and counters did you use mostly, i have to say with my sidewinder controller I used medium side left-right-left-right a lot because it usually batted the other saber to the side and I come back with the killing blow.


How about you?

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"More like the fights in the movies" Wouldn't that require a cybernetic link up from your computer to your brain, and the ability to see what the computer's moves were going to be before they happened? Because that's the way the fights are coreographed in the movie... you can't predict exactly what the computer is doing, so therefore, of course there is no possible way to have a computer/human or human/human simulated fight like that! (you could computer/computer) so seeing as those limitations exist, I think Raven did a wonderful job with the saber-fights, maybe just adding a few more combos... =)

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Rad: No, it's an uppercut with your saber.


Matt-Liell: The money it would take to get saber fighting into a game thats as fluid motion as the prequals would be enough to rival the prequals in budget!


Naph: I found the AI ok, but I found the fact that it's easy to get through the game once you get the hang of it. I mean all you really have to do most of the time is trick a stormy or two into helpin you, smash others with grip/saber throw or pull and chop.. Same old same old. The most fun part of the game for me was the puzzles on Yavin, the Nar Shaddaa levels and fighting Galak. Other than that it was kinda ho-hum... Well, the second time around anyways :). When I first got the game it was a hacked version and was looking more forward to fighting online... it took me 2 hours to find out the truth. So I spent most of my time in the pit, spawning and fighting bots and expecting that once I got the real version of JO that it would be the same... I was dissapointed. Bots are stupid in MP; they'll jump off cliffs, run off in an opposite direction of the one they were going, don't know when to quit, don't know what to get, it's just SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT, etc etc. The only way they're challenging is with perfect aim set on in their bot files. While in SP they'll consider alternate routes to kill you (though when the ST commander says 'Get behind him!' they rearely ever do), will badger you as much as possible with their weapons (damn rodians.. damn grans..) and are forceful with their attacks. While saber fighting in SP is unique and quite fun, it can't compare to a human vs human saber fight, and vice versa. I found the reborns way too easy though.. and the shadow troopers more annoying than anything (cortosis.. pfft!!). SP was the only thing Raven did right with JO, and it took the modders (specificaly Artifex), skinners, modelers and mapper to make MP any good

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