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Xbox or PC version??


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Most of your 3D calculations will be handled by the 3D card rather than the CPU, which it really isn't up to in the first place (most CPUs really).

I agree with Thew, if this is a system that lets you upgrade your CPU easily, then that might be something to consider. :)

Otherwise you should be fine. :)


Q: is it 228 or 128 MB RAM? Don't think 228 is possible (224 is the closest I can get to). If 128, then adding more RAM wouldn't hurt either, and I hear they are cheap nowadays. ;)

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I know playing everquest on an AMD 1500+, 256mb ram, radeon 7500 i have to turn the graphics waayyyyyy down. They say adding another 256mb of ram helps alot but im just too lazy to buy anything right now, im waiting to upgrade both computers closer to SWG coming out.

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Before or after Luclin? My P3 500 with 256mb of RAM ran EQ fine until Luclin came out. After I installed the expansion I would have 3-5 minute load times. If I turned off all the new models I had super frame rates but with the models on I was sucking.


I built a new system with the AMD 1500+ and had basically the same results. With Luclin graphics on I was slow, turn them off and I gained my frame rate back.

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Before or after Luclin?

Depends when Luclin came out.


I got this e-mail back in June-July about a free download and free pass for EQ. The size of the file was around roughly 450 MB, so I think it was just plain EQ. Played for like a month, then packed it up. :)


Not that it was bad, but I just wanted to test a MMORPG. ;)


Oh, and maybe I exagerated alittle, I had some problems with alittle stuttering sometimes, but I thought it ran pretty good.

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PC definitely. I've got an X-box but really, there's a lot of extra stuff to buy to make sure that it'll be good online and games like that are best on PC. I don't know if there's a keyboard hookup for X-box or not, but I'd think that there'd have to be to make it really successful, no? Yes let's pass over the part about me buying a whole bunch of crap to upgrade my computer in time :) I've got a few months

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Originally posted by Naphtali

THeir is no X box VERSION unless I missed something, however their is a PS2 version this is Star Wars galaxy not knights.

yeah there is:


read up... it clearly sais:

Availability: PC - Winter 2002 (post Holiday), PlayStation 2 / Xbox Live - To Be Announced

Genre: Role Playing - Massively Multiplayer Online

Platform: PC Windows, PlayStation 2, Xbox Live


so :D


-Wraith 8-

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