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Is darth Sidious Palpatine?


Is Darth Sidious really the Emperor?  

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  1. 1. Is Darth Sidious really the Emperor?

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I think I don't know better the Star Wars movies than you, Adm. Vostok, so I'm afraid you must wait for other challengers. :D


Maybe there's some connection between Darth Sidious and Emperor Palpatine, but this is just an idea, I'm not sure about it.:confused:

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I have to agree there, pbguy. The other day I had a look at the end credits of The Phantom Menace and Attack of the clones and it didn't mention Siduous anywhere in the cast, so no one knows who plays him and it's the same on both the DVD and video versions of the Phantam Menace.


Maybe George Lucas has done this deliberately to keep people guessing on who Sidious really is.


I was bored. ok?

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Sigh. Of course the Imperial theme plays: The Republic turns into the Empire, doesn't it? That's like saying that Wedge and Olie (Bravo 1/Naboo) are the same person. Hey, it's hinted, they both fly against this big battleship/station :rolleyes:


-The Republic/Empire-friendly people (Naboo) also shoot with green lasers, while the Anti-republic/Anti-Empire fighters (A-Wings, X-Wings, and so on), fire Red Lasers. This is to hint that the Republic turns into the Empire, not that Palpatine is the same person as Sidious.


-Palpatine smiles because he's just become the leader of the Senate. That, and maybe he's happy for Amidala liberating Naboo. Everyone wants power, don't they? Palpatine just became the new leader of the Senate. He probably has a plan of turning it into the Empire in EP1 already. I agree this proves Senator Palpatine is Emperor Palpatine, but how does it prove he's Lord Sidious?


-Oh, and again: Han Solo and a trooper on Tantine IV are both played by the same person. Does that mean Han Solo and that trooper who got shot on Tantine IV are the same person? Well, maybe he got reincarnated with a Wookie on Tatooine.. :rolleyes: That, and in Part V, Palpatine is played by a woman. Same actor ;)?


-Oh, and Palpatine is near Amidala all the time. Sidious hires mercenaries to kill her. If Sidious really was Palpatine, he'd have smuggled those worms in himself, or launched that killer-robot that smuggled in the worms himself.

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ok, take a look at the big picture here, Dark Lord of the Sith has to keep himself hidden from the Jedi, correct? Has to gain power stealthily, he can't go around having stuff smuggled in himself or he'd be caught...Palpatine/Sidious is playing one side against the other, either way it goes, he comes out the winner, we know that Palpatine gained control of the senate and then turned the old republic into the empire, who leads the Emprie? Palpy w/ Sith powers...now, Palpy hasn't revealed any sith powers yet because he needs to keep that a secret until his power and control solidifies and he can take the Jedi out...Palpy HAS to be sidious...Yoda even said that there are only 2, Master and Apprentice


now, DE's points about the actors are solid, just because someone plays two parts doesn't mean those characters are the same person

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On further viewing, the symbol on the Confederacy's table does have six spokes. It isn't exactly the same as the Imperial symbol though, but it is intriguing...


Although I firmly believe Sidious is Palpatine, here is a good argument against the fact:


The greatest plot revelation in any movie ever has to be "I am your father." Presumably the reason Lucas is keeping the Palpatine/Sidious connection ambiguous is because he's planning another revelation in Episode III. Now think about it... this revelation would be pretty lame if it was "Palpatine is Sidious". People would mostly say "So? I already knew that." So if they weren't the same person, this would create a much better revelation.


However I don't follow this theory because I believe the big revelation will be who Sifo-Dyas is.

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I agree about the Sifo-Dyas thing. That seems to have passed over plenty of people's heads, but I've been thinking. Could it have indeed been Sidious/Palpatine? It's just that the name sounds fairly alien. Hopefully Ep III will reveal all...


By now it should be fairly obvious to everyone that Sidious is Palpatine. Admittedly the secret was kept fairly shrouded in Ep 1 (although there were a certain number of hints given in the movie) but by the end of Ep II- specifically, in the final scene with Dooku and Sidious talking, when his face can nearly be seen and his voice is practically identical to Palpatine's- everyone should see that Sidious is indeed Palpatine.

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Originally posted by Dagobahn Eagle

-Oh, and Palpatine is near Amidala all the time. Sidious hires mercenaries to kill her. If Sidious really was Palpatine, he'd have smuggled those worms in himself, or launched that killer-robot that smuggled in the worms himself.


BUT, that's too obvios becuase maybe like the Jedi could detect him or something. It's like going into a building and killing someone there, but someone manages to dial 911 or 999 and get the police over. When they arrive, they see a guy who comes out of the building and says "alright, chaps?"

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Originally posted by JM Qui-Gon Jinn

Darth Sidious is 1.78 meters, Palpantine is 1.73 meters. So they doesn't nessiserely have to be the same person.


Where the hell did you read that?


You've hit the nail on the head, there, Darth Homer. It's a pitty there aren't many other intelligent people out there...

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-The Republic/Empire-friendly people (Naboo) also shoot with green lasers, while the Anti-republic/Anti-Empire fighters (A-Wings, X-Wings, and so on), fire Red Lasers. This is to hint that the Republic turns into the Empire, not that Palpatine is the same person as Sidious.


I don't think anyone was using the colour of lasers as backup evidence for Palpatine being Sidious.


-Palpatine smiles because he's just become the leader of the Senate. That, and maybe he's happy for Amidala liberating Naboo. Everyone wants power, don't they? Palpatine just became the new leader of the Senate.


Then why would he pretend to be sad immediately beforehand.


He probably has a plan of turning it into the Empire in EP1 already. I agree this proves Senator Palpatine is Emperor Palpatine, but how does it prove he's Lord Sidious?


It doesn't prove it, but it implies Palpatine has some ulterior motives going on.


-Oh, and Palpatine is near Amidala all the time. Sidious hires mercenaries to kill her. If Sidious really was Palpatine, he'd have smuggled those worms in himself, or launched that killer-robot that smuggled in the worms himself.


Well actually it wasn't Sidious or Palpatine trying to get Padme assassinated, it was Nute Gunray. To not know this means you didn't pay enough attention to the movies, so don't really have adequate arguments to add to this discussion.


Oh and to be honest, I'd be disappointed if Sifo-Dyas was Sidious. Again, it wouldn't be much of a revelation. I have a great theory about who it is, but I won't reveal it unless you want me to. Also, most people on these forums shoot down my Sifo-Dyas theory because of what EU tells them. When will people learn EU is not correct?

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Er.. I'm confused. What does EU tell people about Sifo-Dyas?

And just one thing, I doubt any author commissioned to write a Star Wars novel (or comic, or whatever) would attempt to come up with their own theory about anyone, seeing as it's going to be shown in the next movie. That's like going out and publishing an Episode III novel before the script's even started.

The only real reason I can see for having a 'revelation' about S-D in EU is if there isn't a revelation in the movie. Honestly, no EU author would be that stupid.

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