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Single Character Server

Lord Helmet

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I like the idea too, it encourages the player to "become" 1 character. Not just a collection of items and skills that can be used to "cheat" the system.


I have a question though. Are servers the same like, US-west/ Us-east/ Asia / etc. ? That would mean that your 10 chars are spread all over the world. Or will they have multiple servers on Us-East/ West / Etc. ?

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Lol, I was just about to start a thread on this very subject. Good thing I checked all the forums first...


Well, my initial reaction is that this may be a completely new and exciting way to play mmorpg's. One of the things that I don't likie about most of them is that it's difficult to make friendships and alliances when everyone has 5 or 6 different puppets. Keeping track of them all can be a real pain, even with a friends monitoring system like AC has. I really think that a SCS will go a long way towards improving the social aspect of the game.


Having said that, I can't believe that I'll only be able to experiment with one character per server. One of the things that I enjoy about mmorpgs is the variety of play styles that come from having multiple puppets. Being limited to one, and only one is very dissapointing.


Additionally, I find it very very difficult to believe that this decision was not based primarily on money. If in fact, the idea is to reduce administative costs to the provider, the monthly access fee should reflect this. I seriously doubt if it will. Anyone who doubts that this issue is not about the bottom line really doesnt live in the real world.


Ok, enough of that. Despite my concerns, I'm still going to buy it and play it, as will most of you :D



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the one thing i disagree with you about is playstyles...i believe using the skill system they have that you can play about 3 1/2 if im correct differnt playstyles and umm if you dont like them just start over ( u wouldn't care because you dont like those playstyles) or slowly drop skills and go into other profession(s). And if you make a new character just be sure to give your items to someone you trust that way you dont lose them.

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Anyone who doubts that this issue is not about the bottom line really doesnt live in the real world.

Of course it is, but it ain't affecting me. :D


In addition, if people want to use loopholes and not roleplay, then that's their business and they should pay for it aswell. If they are just thinking of themself, crowding up the galaxy with a bunch of alts, using storage space, using up housing spots, etc, they should pay extra for that in my opinion.


It's only fair. ;)


And like someone over at the Station said: They'll be helping to fund more expansions for me and all the others that pay a third less than them. :D

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Originally posted by Zendjir

I like the idea too, it encourages the player to "become" 1 character. Not just a collection of items and skills that can be used to "cheat" the system.


I have a question though. Are servers the same like, US-west/ Us-east/ Asia / etc. ? That would mean that your 10 chars are spread all over the world. Or will they have multiple servers on Us-East/ West / Etc. ?


Exactly, you hit the nail on the head there. If you could have 8 charectors or more to a server then what would be the need for player housing to store items? And It stops the more acomplished players from hogging all the best and rarest items by doing so.

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Originally posted by Luey Fubar


Exactly, you hit the nail on the head there. If you could have 8 charectors or more to a server then what would be the need for player housing to store items? And It stops the more acomplished players from hogging all the best and rarest items by doing so.


True likeon the other MMRPGs i play like legend of mir ppl have like 30 free accounts and store 'hog'all the items. Also there will be No or less noobs just made to annoy people

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Make no mistake, this will not eliminate multicharacters on the same server, but it will make it less attractive for some, hopefully the bader seeds.


There are people who are going to buy more than one account. It's unfortunate really, that they need to have multiple characters in order to play. It's a roleplay game. It has rules, and those rules are meant to be followed. In a real RPG (not computerbased) there is a gamemaster who decides what those rules are, and enforces them, but it is rarely required. Unfortunatly, when it comes to a MMORPG, it becomes increasingly more complex to enforce those rules. So more and more of the responsability of playing by the rules are left up to the players themself, and that is what causes the problem.


Not all people are capable of playing by the rules if the opportunity is presented them not to. These are the same people that cheat in nearly every game they come across, and I can only imagine the reason for this. It must have something to do with the feeling it gives you of complete 0wnedge of the other players. For me, the feeling of excelling comes when I know it is because of my skill when following the rules, rather than changing those rules in order to win.


Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying everyone who is pro-MCS (MultiCharacterServers) are cheaters and griefers. On the contrary, I know this not to be true. I don't like it when people use certain loopholes, but I personally won't think of him/her as bad all thru because of it. And MCS, when used with it's true intention in mind, is a good thing. But it has been corrupted by those who can not follow the rules, those who enjoying griefing without being caught, have multiple characters for their own ends and their own ends alone. So it is these people who are responsible for the decision to go with SCS for SWG.


This is unfortunate, as MCS is not bad in itself. Murashu here will be one of those people who are going to suffer from this decision, concidering he has a son who, as I understand, is just as crazy about Star Wars as his dad is. :) He'll now be forced to buy 2 accounts since he obviously wants to play with his son on the same server - as a family perhaps. :) This could be achieved with MCS, without extra cost for him.


Another way of enforcing the rules, would be to let each game accept 1 account only. But that would make people like Murashu, those who have honest and true reasons for wanting MCS, suffer even more.

So in my opinion, the devs have chosen an acceptable middleground here.

It could have been worse ... far worse.


People are selfish.

I'm selfish.

I try not to, but it is sometimes hard not to be. But, again, there are people who are just plain selfish nomatter what the cost, and ussually at the expence of others.


My 2 cent. :)

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if that was 2 cents ill give you my ....02 of a cent...:D :D what did you mean about griefers...muling power "leveling" (not in this games case) powering skiling i migh tbe able to say dont know...but how can people use it for their own ends..the only game the even becomes close to mmorpg that i've played is diablo 2 and i muled and power leveld and all...is that all bad?


i wouldn't do it in this game because first off now i cnat and second offi just wouldn't want to ruina unique game like this is going to be. now i dont feel it would ruin murashu's or anybody else int hat situation's time becuase i don't know if they we're gonna play at the same time doing everything together or what if so then yes it would BUT im saying they could play at different times on different servers or they could both work on the same character...o well.

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. now i dont feel it would ruin murashu's or anybody else int hat situation's time becuase i don't know if they we're gonna play at the same time doing everything together or what if so then yes it would BUT im saying they could play at different times on different servers or they could both work on the same character...o well.

I'm pretty sure they want to play at the same time, and on the same server since they are both members of our PA. :)

I don't know if it will ruin it for them, but it will cost him double up. :(

the only game the even becomes close to mmorpg that i've played is diablo 2 and i muled and power leveld and all...is that all bad?

Yes, in a way it is. It is something that the game was not designed or ment to let you do. I'm not saying that's all bad though as long as it isn't affecting too much the other players, but considering that the economy system in SWG is based on the players working together, this could be disasteres.


Example: You mine the ore yourself, you transport it yourself, you process it yourself, you create whatever out of it, you repair it yourself, etc.... , then sell it for a far lower price than others who play by the rules, effectivelly putting them out of business.


I mean, this is not something you would be able to do even in real-life, and it isn't meant for you to be able to do. It goes against the game rules. It basically is, I'm sorry to have to say this :( , cheating.




i wouldn't do it in this game because first off now i cnat and second offi just wouldn't want to ruina unique game like this is going to be.

I'm glad you see it that way. :)


I played a game couple of years ago where cheating became a part of everyday life, either by exploiting the system, creating/buying Macrobots to make money, or other hacking operations in order to improve your stats of your ships - cloak is one that comes to mind - not because you wanted to, but because out of necessity. Cheating, and the resulting griefing that followed, became such a big problem, that in order to survive, you had to cheat yourself.


Needless to say, this game was eventually shut down because of overwhelming problems, and some administrative once aswell. (they went bankrupt :D )


It's a poor example though. :rolleyes:


what did you mean about griefers

Griefers are those who deliberatly harraz others for no apparent reason other than for their own enjoyment.

muling power "leveling" (not in this games case) powering skiling i migh tbe able to say dont know...but how can people use it for their own ends

That's pretty self explainatory. ;)

It is changing the rules for your own good. Again, this is cheating.


*hides again*




My 2 cents .. again. ;)

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sorry if i seem a bit stupid here but...


what happens if i want to be once character, and my brother wants to play as someone else... will we have to pay for two account things.. which reminds me, how much will things like that cost?


say i wanted to be a rebel trooper

brother wants to be a smuggler

what would happen?:)


thanks for any help:D

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@ Lord Helmet: :D

i must say that everyone power leved diablo 2

I have no doubt they did. Prolly kinda the same situation I was in, it became necessary to. :)


@Chriswok: Depends wether you and your brother wants to play on the same server. If you are planing on that, then yes, you will need to buy 2 accounts.


Here's what you get for one account:

1 account = 10 characters, but only one character can be created per server. That means 10 characters divided on 10 different servers on 1 account.


That's what SCS means, Single Character Server.


So since each server is 1 Star Wars galaxy, Yodas saying about the Sith can be applied (with a small modifiaction) : 1 there are, no more no less. :D

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Chriswok, to answer your question, If both you and your brother want to have seperate chars on one account, then the only advice that I could offer is that you make him a seperate char on a different server then the one that you are playing on. Therefore you can both have seperate characters and can share one account. The only drawback is that you both cant be on the same server.


Hope this helps.

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yeah thanks :D that helped alot, any news on how much subscription fee you have to pay, if any?


i heard that it would be around £8 a month?

but there's something in me that is hoping *L* that they'll be none and that the £50ish price tag will pay for free online gaming

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Posted by Chriswok


any news on how much you'll have to pay monthly, and is the monthly fee only to use the official servers, or to be able to use the game at all on the internet?


Don't be afriad to ask questions...we like questions well at least I do...gives me something to do ;)


anyway the game can not be played on anything BUT the internet so i guess its sort of a yes to both your questions


what do you mean by "official servers" i dont think there is going to be any "unofficial" servers...no regular joe has the capibilities of makeing one ;)

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Yeah Chris, the price will be around $10-$15 United States dollars a month, im guessing that you can pay for more then one month at a time, jus like EQ does it. Well anyways thats about 8 or 9 British pounds a month.




Also, do you guys think that there will be other methods becides using a credit card, like a money order or something? lemme hear your feedback please.

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SCS doesnt affect me as much, since I had already pre-ordered 2 copies of SWG. I have to have 2 of every game since my son and I both play at the same time.


Where SCS does affect me is I like to have multiple characters for trying different play styles. I have no desire to be a crafter so all I want is different combat/healing classes and I like to dabble in the races so SCS keeps me from any type of changes. I will play SWG, but SCS seriously limits how long I will keep playing.

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Of course it is, but it ain't affecting me.


It ain't affecting you? Lol, if you play the game Jan, then you better believe it's affecting you. I have no idea how you could possible think that the decisions that Sony makes to make money from this project wouldnt affect you...


In addition, if people want to use loopholes and not roleplay, then that's their business and they should pay for it aswell. If they are just thinking of themself, crowding up the galaxy with a bunch of alts, using storage space, using up housing spots, etc, they should pay extra for that in my opinion.


Loopholes? Not Roleplay?? What exactly did I say that led you to believe that I'm some hack that's mad that he won't be able to cheat in SWG ? You, yourself, admitted in another thread that you have very little experience with MMORPG's. If you did in fact have that experience, you would know that most if not all of them allow for at least 3 puppets per server, and therefore, most people are very used to the idea of having a chance to try multiple play styles without deleting the original.


Many, many gamers I've met over the last few years of playing MMORPG's enjoy the flexibility of multiple puppets, and are some of the most considerate, honest, and fun folks you can ever hope to meet. To assume that anyone who is pro-MCS is simply trying to cheat the system is a disservice to us all.



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Ok, this reply is in a light note, so don't get pissed, ok? :) I'm not looking to turn this board into another flamefest like the Station. :D


It ain't affecting you? Lol, if you play the game Jan, then you better believe it's affecting you.

Exactly how will the desicion to make SWG SCS, rather than MCS, affect me? Really, how will it?

Nothing. I'm still gonna play with one character, thus it will not affect me.

Loopholes? Not Roleplay?? What exactly did I say that led you to believe that I'm some hack that's mad that he won't be able to cheat in SWG ?

Nothing. I never picked up that you were the kind that does that at all. It wasn't aimed at you. You will be one of the people that will suffer because of these bad seeds. :)

You, yourself, admitted in another thread that you have very little experience with MMORPG's. If you did in fact have that experience, you would know that most if not all of them allow for at least 3 puppets per server, and therefore, most people are very used to the idea of having a chance to try multiple play styles without deleting the original.

That's true, and I'm well aware of that even though I haven't played many MMORPG. And I have no big problem with people having multiple characters on one server. But - again I find myself saying this - that system will be exploited, unfortunatly, because some people arn't cut out to follow gamerules.

And as a result, the ones who does, will be the victims by SWG's desicion to make it a SCS game.

Many, many gamers I've met over the last few years of playing MMORPG's enjoy the flexibility of multiple puppets, and are some of the most considerate, honest, and fun folks you can ever hope to meet. To assume that anyone who is pro-MCS is simply trying to cheat the system is a disservice to us all.

I never assumed anyone who is pro-MCS is a cheater by default. As I stated in a previous post here, I am well aware that this is simply not true. But some people do exploit it, and it is these people who ruin it for the rest, such as yourself.


As I see it, the decission was made for 2 reasons, one a money issue, I don't deny that, the other a gameplay issue:


1. It costs Sony/Verant/LucasArts money to store these characters which only have one owner.


2. To try to discourage bad seeds from creating multiple characters for their own ends. It won't stop it completelly, but hopefully it will reduce it.


To round off, I need to extend my sincerest apology to you, Jared, as I realized when I re-read my first post here that I had inadvertadly labeled all that are pro-MCS as cheaters.

That was not my intention. :(

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Well, we'll just agree to disagree on how it affects you, and leave it at that :)


I gratefully accept your apology, and I'm glad to hear that you didn't intend to condemn those of us who are pro-MCS. It's a hot-topic, and it's got many of us MMORPG vets a bit worked up. Hopefully the game will come out sooner than later, and we will be too busy playing the game to get worked up over things like this :p




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