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U know what would be great


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It's quite actually easy to use. Create a room and get the IP for it and send it to all your mates out there. They join the room and now just open up JK2 and you can do hands-free mic or you can hold down a button you bind to talk. If you have any problems just PM me and I'll help you out. ;)

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The people you want to "talk" to have to be in the RW channel. There's no in-game vocal chat utility, meaning if you go into say, our clan server, and see someone in it you want to actually talk to, you'd have to tell them to load up RW and join the channel you created. Then you could talk in-game with them.

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That's retarded

Making a fricking channel and then fricking opening up a server and then fricking loading up a fricking map???????????????ITS AFRICKING JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!


If ayone has play Counter-Strike or any xbox live game, they know how much easier it is to having an in game voce utility.



If any Raven ppl are lloking in this Fricking thread, then if they make a fricking jk3?!?!? They should include an in-game voice utility to talk to other ppl, ior fricking harrass themn till they leave the godamn server!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





Its so fricking simple to make a voice thing for a game, i mean cmon, its no even that hard?!?! Jezus..........


And its damn complicated first u load up Roger wilwhoe and then u have to make a server for that, and then u load up the game, .5 hour later, u get the server going. then if other ppl wanna maybe join , they cant talk and thats reatarded i think that should be a realy bad thing for raven, not making a voice utility, and plz RAVEN MAKE A VOICE SYSTEM FOR THE FRICKING GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Thank You

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