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Dark Jedi

Dr. Zaius

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Originally posted by swediot=)

"2 theire are no more no less a master and an aprentice" in other word he doesnt want you to take his place so he will come and cut your head off:D


or send a legion of happy minions to do it for him, unless he starts to think of replacing the emperor and seeks an evil apprentice......... wonder if such a scenario is possible knowing what we do of his ultimate fate?

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Or maybe not, because in RoTJ the emperor is still alive. And RoTJ, being ahead of SWG's place in the timeline, would eliminate any possibility for Darth to make an attempt, or even succeed for that matter, at overthrowing the emperor in SWG.

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As I am sure many of you might remember two seconds after reading this post, Mara Jade was the Emperor's personal assassin during these times. So, that would mean that there were at least three dark Jedi now wouldn't it. Just paying attention to detail. Anyway, if the tides of the game cannot be shifted, then why play? In all honesty, it's the fact that the future can be redefined that makes the game interesting. Obviously, anhialating the Rebellion would make the game boring, but if the Emperor should fall early, that could make it just as interesting. Obviously, such a scenario would be highly unlikely, as Vader, the IRG or the Emperor would surely destroy you very quickly and with great ease. On the other hand though, if a great plan were devised, I see no reason why Vader would not have sought a way to over throw his master. Palpatine would just as quickly seek out a stronger student if the opportunity should arise. If you don't believe me, watch RotJ again. Palpatine is trying to get Luke to kill Vader and take his place.....remember now?

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you can be a dark jedi... its just that you cant be a dark lord of the Sith. cause according to the movie.. there were at all times 2 Sith warriors after the great Sith wars.


A master

and an aprentise


And Mara Jade wasnt a Sith lord... she was no Darth :D. but she did have a feel for the force.. and again she wasnt fully trained.. or else she would have stayed like that after the emperor died.. and she didnt... she lost her powers after his death...only for it to sometime return.

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