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Ouch. (Star Trek: Nemesis Review)

Boba Rhett

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Voyager is a mistake. The cast was bad, episodes where bad, the show itself was bad. TNG Is THE best series along with Enterprise.Star Trek Nemesis will be good. Does anyone know about the odd and even number thing with the movies. All odd number Star Trecks are bad and even ones are good. This one is a even one so it will do good. Voyager....VOYAGER! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING j/k :D

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I hated the first seaons of TheNext Generation, it looked too much like a bunch of sissy running around in spandex.


the last seasons were my favorite, mostly when they introduced the BORG. :)


Its the same thing with Deep Space Nine and Voyager. First seasons were bad. When Captain SiscoCristo (i call him that) got his goat tee, the story line got better... and the final season was the BEST! WAR!!! :)


In voyager it sucked untill Janeway changed the stupid hair do. and when they killed off Kess. :)


Entreprise is too much like a FOX TV series.


*writers*: "Hey!, lets get those two chicks without any shirts as often as we can!"


THe only thing i like about Enterprise is that the ship itself feels like a ww2 and modern submarine. Cramp quaters and rooms. Making the feel of the first true ship more realistic.



AS for the reviews:


dont listen to those stupid critics. I remember reading an Austin Powers Gold Member review saying it was an exact copy of the first 2 and was much more boring. after seeing it i knew the reviewer is a moron. In that movie they were making fun of themselves so much and the humour was a lot better then the first two. My stomach hurt because i laughed during the entire movie. at the end my six pack was ever bigger! :eek:

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i like the actors from TNG but not IN TNG. every time picard talked i wanted to beat him with a blunt object. data was funny at times but quite often annoying. laforge riker and worf kicked arse though.


i guess you could say i used to love TNG, but now i wont watch it unless its a borg episode. voyager was awesome but nothing compares to the final season of DS9. the dominion war was absolutely amazing.


as for voyager, 7 of 9 pissed me right off, she was just boring eye candy. imo not half the woman troi/dax/otherdax/kira/belanna/crusher were. even janeway was better then 7. all in all i think the coolest female trekker was Jadzia Dax, the way she had old klingon man memories in her was a never ending source of entertainment. and how sisco always called her oldman cracked me up.


i wont be seeing nemesis unless one of my close friends tells me its good, i havent liked any of the trek movies at all. first contact had its moments but mostly it just blew chunks.


if however you liked TNG then i wouldnt take this critics words too seriously, all people have different tatstes, dont let someone elses opinion ruin your day.


oh and i dont like the new show either, i think they should find some way to have a new ship captained by riker, with Jadzia (i know shes dead) geordi, bashir, and Paris.

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