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Originally posted by Lord Helmet

well i dont know if it was all in "good" fun or or you were joking;....but i dont think mr.weasel is very nice


Oh yes, Mr. Weasel actually ripped out all of my remaining sanity and had it for a little snack. Then he slowly finished off the rest of my hide.





Becuase of this incident....I am now a clone of my former self. :D





after seeing a thread dedicated to manslaves (8) pages long.......i got some set feelings about those guys :D




Aaahhh yes Lizard Queen. She is great isn't she Wraith? I myself am manslave # 18 I think. You know Lord Helmut, I could possibly arrange a "get together" with her on your behalf if you like. Just be careful........you never really know what is going to happen over there. :dev11::whip1::dev11:





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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

So ... which manslave are you, Leemu? The one on the right or the one on the left? :D



I've been a good boy lately Jan.........so I'm the one on the right! :D


Kinda makes me wonder who is on the left side......my guess is that it's Rouge 15 since he is the newest manslave. She's whipping him into shape! :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

why not?? :dev11: :dev11: :D


since LQ never asked for SWG manslaves, any girl who ask that in this forum is free to have her own manslaves :p


*start thinking about have her own SGW Mansalaves :p


I use to be a phoenix womenslave, but he´s lost again, so I can do whatever i want.



and don´t say anything about Aresen!!


is my sweet home :p

even the SWC can´t be insane like all the Aresen people. that´s the reason i love that forum

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Originally posted by Devil Doll

why not?? :dev11: :dev11: :D


since LQ never asked for SWG manslaves, any girl who ask that in this forum is free to have her own manslaves :p


*start thinking about have her own SGW Mansalaves :p


I use to be a phoenix womenslave, but he´s lost again, so I can do whatever i want.



and don´t say anything about Aresen!!


is my sweet home :p

even the SWC can´t be insane like all the Aresen people. that´s the reason i love that forum

well DD... be carefull who you enslave... some of these people have weird pets... like a giant Rancor named Fred... or was it herman? forgot the name :p
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Well, that´s no problem, Mr. weasel is a very dangerous pet and can be controlled :p


and If any pet thinks about being mad, my dear dolls will take care of it, Lizzie borden is the oldest, and she know how to control pets like Mr. Weasel or the rancor pet R15 has, and sibyl will be better here, her insanity will invade the forums :p


I hereby declare that SWGalaxies forum will have a mansalves hare just for me! :pLoL

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