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best bounty hunter ever


who is your favorite  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. who is your favorite

    • jango fett
    • boba fett
    • dengar
    • bossk
    • zukuss
    • Greeata

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Originally posted by t3rr0r

also, eu makes up a higher percentage of the star wars universe than the movies themselves do. :p


True, but that's because there's a ton of writers while we only have Lucas for the movies.

I could write a fanfic right here and now that took place in the StarWars universe and it'd be EU. Consider the possibilities.... I could even write a story in which it is revealed that Boba did indeed die.... scary eh? :p

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Originally posted by Cjais

True, but that's because there's a ton of writers while we only have Lucas for the movies.

I could write a fanfic right here and now that took place in the StarWars universe and it'd be EU. Consider the possibilities.... I could even write a story in which it is revealed that Boba did indeed die.... scary eh? :p

true, but it wouldn't be official eu. :p

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Originally posted by t3rr0r

oh, but each novel, comic, etc. needs to be approved for release. :D


Yup. But how come they then contradict themselves (EU as a whole)? Georgie just needs some more money, so he's willing to accept that his movies and his vision of the universe is different than them pesky writers.


On StarWars.com, it's explained in detail that from Lucas' POV, Boba did indeed die when he fell into the Sarlacc.

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as jedinyt was so kind to inform me in another thread: http://www.starwars.com/community/askjc/steve/askjc20021202.html that is the answer for fetts fate.


you might say that the EU way is better and personally i like their ending for fett because i liked boba but this is GL's opinion so what he says goes.



my favourite bounty hunter is jango hands down, his gun was helluva lot cooler for one. and he had TWO of em!


since EU is obviously into this discussion already id like to bring up some semi-EU stuff, namely the video game Bounty Hunter. if any of you have seen the last or second last vid in that game you'd love it. the way jango crouches partway down and advances lasers blairing making a former jedi with two frickin lightsabers (curved handled red ones btw) retreat.


then jango starts to suit up as many of you have seen in trailers, yes the one where he puts on all his gear, but after he gets his helmet on all you can hear is his soft voice in that husky tone "back in a minute". that alone got me pumped enough to kill vosa without using any extra lives.



as im still talking EU the armor Boba had was Jester Mareels. the mandalorian who trained jango and montross. they may actually use that in ep3 as GL has indicated that Boba will be in the film training hard.


since EU is still being counted in this discussion then i thought id mention that Boba was known as the jedislayer for some time during the clone wars. we know that wont happen as hes too damn young for that and the war will be over by the time hes hunting anybody jedi-level in difficulty.


and spell Zuckuss right!........... ok im done my rant, go back to enjoying the thread.

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Originally posted by ZBomber

Yes. But all those peopel who you listed taht died, its impossible for them to still be alive. However. Boba coul dhave ogtten out with ease, since I believe he stil lahd hist jet pack, and ALL his equipment.


umm could you please clarify that. that whole post makes no sense to me. sorry but im kinda doped up on tylenol 3's right now and im having troubles with what you wrote. please explain.

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Originally posted by ZBomber

Yes. But all those peopel who you listed taht died, its impossible for them to still be alive. However. Boba coul dhave ogtten out with ease, since I believe he stil lahd hist jet pack, and ALL his equipment.

well, he couldn't have used his jetpack if he wanted to seeing as it was kinda busted. :sweat: thank the maker for thermal detonators. :D

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Originally posted by t3rr0r

well, he couldn't have used his jetpack if he wanted to seeing as it was kinda busted. :sweat: thank the maker for thermal detonators. :D


Ok wtf?? If Boba Fett was inside the Sarlacc Monster's belly then wouldn't using a thermal detonator not only kill the monster but him along with it? How would he get out of the creature? Did he happen to throw it in the monsters beak when the tenticles pulled him down?


I didn't read the EU book, pertaining to this so explain how he got out of the Sarlacc's belly if he was in fact swallowed which ROTJ show's it to be doing.

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They all sucked!! :D


-Jango was killed like a chump (and by a JEDI no less!!)

-Boba is worm meat!!

-Dengar is some guy with too many boo-boos and could have been a shoe-in for a part in a mummy movie!

-Bossk is a damned snake that can hold a gun, and he's out to get our wookie friends (I don't know.. I found that offensive...)

-Zuckuss is... Oh god, I don't know where to begin!

-Greeata...... isn't even a bounty hunter!


To terror about the TD's: Boba was probably unconcious by the time he hit the sand, and if not, I think people should realize the fact that the Sarlaac WAS a creature, and it had a stomach and therfor biological fluids. To quote: C-3PO said "You are to be taken to the sacred pit of Carcoon, the nesting place of the all-might Sarlaac. There you will find a new definition of pain and suffering as you are slowly digested over a thousand years". Everybody that fell into the pit was probably stuck dead already, or there's some kind of goop (sorry if I offend any english majors out there) that everybody got stuck in, presumably its stomach acids. If anybody was actually alive and didn't get stuck in any "goop", thermal detonators would most likely NOT help!!

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Originally posted by Wolf Devil

To terror about the TD's: Boba was probably unconcious by the time he hit the sand, and if not, I think people should realize the fact that the Sarlaac WAS a creature, and it had a stomach and therfor biological fluids. To quote: C-3PO said "You are to be taken to the sacred pit of Carcoon, the nesting place of the all-might Sarlaac. There you will find a new definition of pain and suffering as you are slowly digested over a thousand years".

that would mean he had some of time to escape! :xp: also, i doubt he would have become unconscious since he did have his helmet... and any noxious fumes would have been no problem (helmet again). his armour is what kept him alive, been as strong as it was. :)

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you still didnt answer my question as to what you were talking about. but according to the books of the EU boba fell in and managed to plant a thermal detonator inside the sarlaccs belly. he then errr swam across the stomach as much as he could. when the explosion happened the sarlacc was not killed but it was injured (it actually regenerates). boba was left for dead with his armor partly dissolved.he was unconscious though his armor and helmet prevented him from dying. he was rescued by dengar and neelah. well not exactly but between the two of them they got boba to a place with two medical droids that nursed fett back to life. though he almost died when the bombing ruins ordered by kuat of kuat peppered the dune sea.



there you have it, no more speculation for the ppl who havent read it. thats what the EU said happened.



and i maintain that jango is the coolest.

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Meh, I'm still sticking with the fact that they all sucked. :D


To terror: No he wouldn't have had time to excape simply cuz of the 1000 year thing. Don't they teach you biology, kid? The esophagus forces food down into the stomach, so he probably wouldn't have been able to even move. And no, the helmet wouldn't protect him from any fumes since their was open space under the mask. And his armor aint all that strong, neither.

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Originally posted by Wolf Devil

To terror: No he wouldn't have had time to excape simply cuz of the 1000 year thing. Don't they teach you biology, kid? The esophagus forces food down into the stomach, so he probably wouldn't have been able to even move. And no, the helmet wouldn't protect him from any fumes since their was open space under the mask. And his armor aint all that strong, neither.

1. i hate biology. :o

2. the helmet would protect him from fumes... if it can protect him while in a vacuum, it can hold up to them.

3. his armour is what allowed him to survive until the sarlacc went kaboom. :xp:

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