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Anyone speak Chinese?

Dagobahn Eagle

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Out of curiosity, I want to know what some names mean in Chinese, just out of curiosity.


Norwegian ones:


Øyvind and Solveig, which translates into

"Island-Wind" and "Sun-Road".


Can anyone tell me what those four words are in Chinese (there's nothing between me and the girl named Sunroad, believe me ;))?


Just don't fool me and post the Chinese words for "little idiot" or anything :D, and don't think they're silly (Rhett, this means you).


Dagobahn Eagle


PS. Reason I want to know is my cousin is Chinese.

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In my geography book, there's a letter from a girl from China that starts with "Ni Hao!". Maybe it means "Hello" or something.


Other words (I think):


Men: Peace.

Jiang: River.

Yin and Yang: Alpha and Omega; Important parts of something (?).


I'm not talking about the names as such, but I figure that if I could get the definition of "Island" and "Wind", for example, and it's X Y, I'd just say my name's X Y.

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AOL·¢ÄÑTrillianϵͳ 2002-02-05 17:43:11

ÈÕÇ°£¬AOL×èÖ¹ÁËʹÓÃTrillianÈí¼þµÄÓû§·ÃÎÊAOL Instant Messengerϵͳ£¬ÕâÒ²ÊÇAOLÓëTrillianÈí¼þµÄ¿ª·¢ÉÌCerulean¹¤×÷ÊÒÖ®¼ä±¬·¢µÄ¼´Ê±ÏûϢϵͳÀ­¾âÕ½ÖеÄÒ»¸öлغϡ£










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you all got that?


good :)

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Originally posted by NL_Ackbar

AOL·¢ÄÑTrillianϵͳ 2002-02-05 17:43:11

ÈÕÇ°£¬AOL×èÖ¹ÁËʹÓÃTrillianÈí¼þµÄÓû§·ÃÎÊAOL Instant Messengerϵͳ£¬ÕâÒ²ÊÇAOLÓëTrillianÈí¼þµÄ¿ª·¢ÉÌCerulean¹¤×÷ÊÒÖ®¼ä±¬·¢µÄ¼´Ê±ÏûϢϵͳÀ­¾âÕ½ÖеÄÒ»¸öлغϡ£










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you all got that?


good :)





Lol! the first three letters are AOL... does anybody else see that?

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