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Lord of the Rings: Special Pants Edition

Boba Rhett

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You know the routine. .... or at least you should. :disaprove




"Panties" may also be used.




Boromir: "If you would but lend me your pants..."


Gandalf: *knock *knock* What about very old friends without pants?


Bilbo: "I want to see panties again, Gandalf, panties!"


Sauron: "There is no life...in the void...only...panties..."


Gandalf: "Do as I say! Pants are of no more use here."


Aragorn:"You said you'd bind yourself to me, forsaking the immortal pants of your people."


Arwen: "You are Isildur's Heir, not Isildur himself. You are not bound to his pants."


Gandalf: "It's quite simple really. If you are a friend, you speak the password and the pants will open." :naughty:


Ringwraith: "Give up the panties, she-elf!"


Galadriel: "It was in this moment, when all hope was lost, that Isildur, son of the King, took up his Father's pants."


Boromir: "I ask only for the strength to defend my pants."


Gandalf: "Be on your guard. There are older and fouler things than your pants in the deep places of the world." I bet he was talking to Gimli. :D


Aragorn: "You have stout pants, little Hobbit. But that will not save you."


Aragorn: "Leave all that can be spared behind. We travel light. Let's hunt some panties."


Aragorn: "You draw far too much attention to your pants, Mr Underhill!"


Merry: "You'll have to send us home tied up in panties to stop us!"


Frodo "I'm ok, I'm not hurt"

Aragorn: "You should be dead, that spear would have skewed a wild boar!"

*opens shirt*

Gimli: (stares in amazement) "Panties!"


Gandalf: "Ah, it's that way."

Merry: "He's remembered!"

Gandalf: "No, but the pants don't smell so foul down here. When in doubt Meriadoc, always follow your nose."


AHAHAHAAH *gasp* AAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAA! I'm sorry for that last one. :indif:


Now add more! Let's keep this thing going until we get some ne wlines from TTT. ;) Can you tell I'm getting restless?



And as an insentive:


A little eye candy for the men: (Is it just me or is she getting hotter and hotter?)




A little eye candy for Shan: ;)



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sorry. i still need to buy my tickets, but i'm afraid i won't get any. and now to get back on topic (sorta):


Aragorn: "And here are your pants, Pippin. I have kept it safe, for they are very precious things."


Orc Guard: "They'll wait for the pants, curse them!"


Legolas: "They are far, far away. I know in my heart they have not rested tonight. Only pants could overtake them now."

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"'I looked on it that, whereas it had once been green and fair, it was now filled with pants an forges.'"


"'And why not Gandalf?...Why not? The Ruling Ring? If we could command that, then the panties will pass to us.'"


"'They were pants once. Taken by the dark powers- tortured and mutilated...'"


"'This is grievous new concerning Saruman...for we trusted him and he is deep in all our pants.'"


"'...I had no chance to escape, and my pants were bitter.'"


"'Boromir...give the pants to Frodo.'"


"'Those nasty hobbitses stole my panties, and we wants them!'"


"'If I can get Frodo across the River, the power of my panties can protect him.'"

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