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C&C Generals Trailer


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Originally posted by Tie Guy



Yeah, just another tank game from the company that quite literally invented the modern RTS.


So what if they did invent the genre? They are not the masters and look at Blizzard, they stick with their games for quite a while and not to mention the fact that they reinvented the genre aswell as ES. After seeing support for RA2/YR and Renegade, I refuse to buy until I see a demo and see some good support, otherwise, I'm refusing to buy the latest C&C games.

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Originally posted by Imperial Sardaukar


So what if they did invent the genre? They are not the masters and look at Blizzard, they stick with their games for quite a while and not to mention the fact that they reinvented the genre aswell as ES. After seeing support for RA2/YR and Renegade, I refuse to buy until I see a demo and see some good support, otherwise, I'm refusing to buy the latest C&C games.


If you've ever been to the boards at Westwood you woulnd't say that. They have a massive community and the devs regurally visit there. The support was great for RA2 and YR, though i can't speak for renegade (that wasn't an RTS, anyways).


But how did StarCraft reivent the genre? It didn't. What brand new and massive concepts did it use, none? Everything in the game is taken from eitehr Dune or C&C, both WW games, directly or indirectly. Sure, blizzard makes good games, but they certainly didn't "reinvent" the genre.

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Originally posted by JC_Darkjedi

It looks sweet, does anyone know the system requirements for it?


I'll fetch up the requiresment abit later, but for now I'll just use my memory :lol:.


PIII 800Mhz

Geforce 2/Radeon 7500 32MB

1Ghz HDD Space


And that's all I can remember from a few beta testers ;).


If you've ever been to the boards at Westwood you woulnd't say that. They have a massive community and the devs regurally visit there. The support was great for RA2 and YR, though i can't speak for renegade (that wasn't an RTS, anyways).


I have been on the forums and I would see, DOWNGRADE THIS, DOWNGRADE THAT, and so on for units before everything was set.... I have even heard that WW held a patch for the RA2 map editor and a patch for YR from a webmaster of a WW site. Do I like to see units completely downgraded? You might know my answer there and it made many units useless. Ok, Blizzard may not have reinvented the genre, but if anything, Ensemble Studios did for the interface that Blizzard used something similiar, but easier at that....

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

But how did StarCraft reivent the genre? It didn't. What brand new and massive concepts did it use, none? Everything in the game is taken from eitehr Dune or C&C, both WW games, directly or indirectly. Sure, blizzard makes good games, but they certainly didn't "reinvent" the genre.


It may not of reinvented the genre by your terms, but it certainly did refine the genre. The StarCraft standard is still set and is still not met by some games. But many games have surpassed it, maybe not in legend, but in truth. Many RTSs have more gameplay and better use of tactics than StarCraft because of experiance over time, yet they will never be as famous as StarCraft unless they can sell for 5 years without update, etc...


Anyway with all that out of the way...C&C Generals is gonna be a great game. The inclusion of Generals in the tactics is brilliant and hopefully it is incorporated well. Also the new supply lines are a great addition to the game...no more harvesters and Ore Refineries. Also I'm pleased with the graphics I've seen so far, but I am dissapointed that they are bringing back the ion cannon...AGAIN.:disaprove

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Anyway with all that out of the way...C&C Generals is gonna be a great game. The inclusion of Generals in the tactics is brilliant and hopefully it is incorporated well. Also the new supply lines are a great addition to the game...no more harvesters and Ore Refineries. Also I'm pleased with the graphics I've seen so far, but I am dissapointed that they are bringing back the ion cannon...AGAIN.:disaprove


I thought I saw an Ion cannon based weapon in a screenie.. Isn't this game suppose to be realistic anyways? I've started to become disappointed by screenies with some of the unrealism. Well sure, not everyone wants it totally realistic and boring as a few things can be bent here and there or perhaps almost quite abit. I'll have to look at the videos I guess, but my deffinition of support is sticking with the game and not completely downgrading units as WW/EAP does for the damn complainers and fanboys :disaprove........

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Please. Sardauker, you're trying to find all the faults in the game!


The isn't supposed to be uber-realistic. Its simply a a fun tactical game in either a modern or futuristic setting. The game isn't a similulation, its a RTS. The GDI and NOD don't exist, and the units were never supposed to be actual pieces of equipment (even in RA and RA2), some where, however, based off of real tanks/planes. Give the game a break man, you neve mentioned anything about realism until i disagreed with you and fergie mentioned it had an Ion Cannon in it. Please, criticism is fine, but in a thread about a particular game, biased comments aren't really appropriate, especially in one that no one has played yet.

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Despite popular beliefs, there is nothing original about Dune II. Except of one thing, which enabled Westwood to become a powerhouse among games defelopers. As for gameplay, however, the game did not "revolutionize", "create a new style of gaming" or "became the first of its kind." All it did was to combine several games already out in the market. The developer did this very skillfully, however, creating an unique experience and one of the most entertaining games ever.


Real-time strategies existed well before Dune II. The first one was The Ancient Art of War, hitting the PC in 1984, eight years before Dune. This game, however, followed a very abstract model of "capture the flag" tactical scenarios. Units moved and fought in real time, but there was no base management or resource harvesting. Next was Nether Earth. This highly underrated game was never ported to a PC, yet it was the first true RTS. I played the game on a ZX Spectrum, but I've seen Atari 800 and Commodore versions as well. In this game, you controlled robots, which took over factories where they could produce more robots. You had to harvest an incredible six different resources, more than any other RTS I know of. Yet, the combat was still a little cumbersome. This game was later resurrected (with enormous changes) in the critically acclaimed Z. Two years later, in 1989, Sega Genesis came with its own real-time strategy game: Herzog Zwei. This game looked a lot like today's RTS games. It featured a high-paced combat with lots of units, bases and the possibility to destroy them (well, that was the goal).


Dune II was released in 1992. It was developed by Westwood and published by Virgin Interactive. The development team had no previous experience in RTS development; the core of the team formed while developing Eye of the Beholder, and the broader team was defined when developing The Legend of Kyrandia. Yet, a team with experience in adventure and RPG gaming managed to create a true gem.

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Well, thats obvious, Ackbar. WW didn't invent the RTS. Its a good thing thats not what i said. WestWood invented the modern RTS. Every RTS after it is based either directly or indirectly from Dune or C&C, period. you can't argue with that. Everything from the menus to the resources to the maps to the unit classes. Of course, not all are clones of one of those two, but they are all influenced in a very big way by them.


If you really wante to see it your way, though, then original BattleZone was the father of all RTS's. WW brought RTS's into the spotlight and set the stage for every RTS to come to this day. They are the father of the modern RTS.

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@Ackbar- probably...but we won't get into that.


BTW, I can't wait for C&C Generals. I love the concept and everything. GLA terrorist organisation...I'm gonna love to see them pull it off. It's going to be awesome. It's just I don't want to see a three-peat of the ion cannon. Besides it's a different reality in Generals. Red Alert never happens in this reality (I would assume). It's got no Russians in it, just Chinese. Basically a totally new game...then they throw in the ion cannon...I just hope that Tanya doesn't make an appearance.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

Please. Sardauker, you're trying to find all the faults in the game!


The isn't supposed to be uber-realistic. Its simply a a fun tactical game in either a modern or futuristic setting. The game isn't a similulation, its a RTS. The GDI and NOD don't exist, and the units were never supposed to be actual pieces of equipment (even in RA and RA2), some where, however, based off of real tanks/planes. Give the game a break man, you neve mentioned anything about realism until i disagreed with you and fergie mentioned it had an Ion Cannon in it. Please, criticism is fine, but in a thread about a particular game, biased comments aren't really appropriate, especially in one that no one has played yet.


I may not have played the game, but their reputation is well known to me after RA2/YR and Renegade which is why I even refuse without a demo and good support instead of unit downgrades for their support. Besides, I moved on to the FPS genre (Spefically tactical), so I guess I'm done with my thoughts now....

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

Ferg, why not the Ion Cannon? I like it. What other superweapon would they have? The Chinese already have the nuke, and the US would logically have some super advanced technology thing, i think the ion cannon fits perfectly.


I remember playing C&C original...I was the GDI with the crappiest superweapon ever...the ion cannon. IT SUCKED! You can hit buildings with it only, because wasting it on one unit...well that's just stupid and when you hit a building with it, it did squat damage...it could barely blow up a BARACKS for cring out loud. The NOD have the nuke...one shot...bye bye base.


Then my pains were realized once again in RA2, and Tiberian Sun. THE SAME DADGUM CERCUMSTANCES IN EACH GAME! THE ION CANNON SUCKS! I hate the ion cannon...:evanpiel:



BTW, I havn't noticed any bad support...

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