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How many people can fit on a speeder?


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How many people can fit on a speeder (and various other means of player owned transportation vehicles... large animals etc..)? Can you fit more than one?


It would be pretty cool to help a friend out and transport him/her somewhere. Also you could run a taxi service... that would be pretty cool.



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hey.,... your guess is as goo as mine :D we have no idea.. and for what i heard some time ago.... they dont plan on putting speeders in the game at realease.. it will most likely be in the next patch after release/... so.....


and i dont believe i have seen you here before... so:



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-Wraith 8-

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If we took things seriously, Wraith, we wouldn't be much fun now, would we? :)


Okay, fine.. all clown jokes aside, there are two vehicles that will be included with An Empire Divided, the swoop and the speeder. The swoop is a one-man vehical, while the speeder (similar to lukes) can carry the pilot and one passenger. I'm not sure if they're going to allow speeders to carry extra players, like how C3PO rode Luke's in An New Hope, so keep your fingers crossed.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Format-Slut

I want a swoop, that would be nice. Or that sexy speeder in the episode 1. You know the one, in the background in Mos Espa.

do you have a picture?


@ Gontheboy: well.. you cant as a job... but ofcourse you can ask money from people to take them somewhere.. sure :D

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