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Masta, why don't you just say, "this post was written solely to obtain 2 credits" :rolleyes:



Anyways, i certainly hope that the patriots don't have anything left. They didn't deserve it last year, and they certainly don't deserve it this year. Heck, they shouldn't even be in the playoffs right now.


I do like the Red Sox, though, and i hope they win sometime soon. Maybe after the Braves win a few more the Red Sox can sneak one in. ;)

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Originally posted by Rogue Nine

Good, now maybe the Red Sox fans will stop being such asses to the Yankees.


Im sorry did you mean to imply that you like the Yankees?

cause if you did i say you like the most pompous team in the history of competitive team sports. and i HATE the yankees. every last one of them...

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

Masta, why don't you just say, "this post was written solely to obtain 2 credits" :rolleyes:



Anyways, i certainly hope that the patriots don't have anything left. They didn't deserve it last year, and they certainly don't deserve it this year. Heck, they shouldn't even be in the playoffs right now.


I do like the Red Sox, though, and i hope they win sometime soon. Maybe after the Braves win a few more the Red Sox can sneak one in. ;)


tie im getting sick of it... u shoot down everything i say even when you dont have anything constructive to add... so stop criticizing me. unless you can prove me wrong... because you allways seem to have a problem... id appreciate it if you would tell me , (dont make me bring up 900 posts in 1 day okie day?... maybe u shoulda wrote "this post was made simply to increase my post count before we get a moderator")

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Originally posted by JEDI_MASTA

tie im getting sick of it... u shoot down everything i say even when you dont have anything constructive to add... so stop criticizing me. unless you can prove me wrong... because you allways seem to have a problem... id appreciate it if you would tell me , (dont make me bring up 900 posts in 1 day okie day?... maybe u shoulda wrote "this post was made simply to increase my post count before we get a moderator")


I'm lost. Did you just entirely disregard the main part of my post, or do you simply not have the capacity to read that much at one time?


What's wrong with reprimanding a poster for an entirely sucky, stupid, and completly pointless post that has no place on these boards? I'm not a mod, nor do i care to be, but every member here has the responsibilty to keep these forums clean and spam free. I have no problem with you personally, just your worthless posts. You have fine ones too, but don't get mad at me when you are the one at fault for making the post in the first place. I saw your intent, and you realized it to be the true, but you don't want it revealed. Isn't it ironic that you've been fairly inactive lately, then on the day (and the following days) the credit system is initiated, you come back and start posting in every topic possible as much as possible, some of which involve completely pointless posts that don't advance conversation or anything at all. I don't want to get into an arguement here (too late though, i guess), al i was trying to say was "stop spamming", because you irrefutably are.


If you have anything else to say about this, send me a PM. I would have if i didn't feel a need to publically refute you.



Now on to relavant parts....


The Yankees. I hate them and i don't like how they steal, yes steal, everyone else's players, but it is legal, so you can't fault them for it. I really think they need some sort of salary cap. Its worked great in football, anyone (well...almost anyone), can win at any given year, just look at the patriots. Too bad the greedy players won't give in to that. I mean, 16 million a year is hardly cost of living.

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Originally posted by ckcsaber



We're gonna wipe all the other teams in the turf. Damn, Gannon is looking better than ever, and we've established our running game again, so watch out for the Raiders!


yeah yeah... the old guys are gunna get owned in the first round ;)


I serriously think that they'll hit a wall going into the playoffs, their just too old ;)

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I'm talking about the playoffs, Masta, i would have thought that obvous given thats the subject of the thread.


As i said, Steelers don't have a chance in the playoffs. The Bucs will beat them, IF the Steelers can even make it past Cleveland in the first round. And i highly doubt they could beat the colts or eagles either.


There is a reason that the Bucs got a bye in the first round, and not the Steelers. Wait, its not because the Bucs have the best record in the NFL, is it? :rolleyes: One game hardly determines who's better. We'll see who makes it further into the playoffs, the Bucs are already 1 up.

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I actually am subscribing to the belief that the Browns will beat the Steel in the first round: Here's why:


1. Yes, The Steelers did beat the Browns twice this year.. By a combined total of 6 points


2. Steelers defense is pretty good, until you get to the Secondary


3. Tim Couch injured will solidify a Ewing Theory victory for the Browns

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*Partly Double Post, Partly Bump, but I do have something to say*


Ha ha, Packers (won't) win the Superbowl!


Although, I don't think the Falcs will either, they have that "Chicago Bulls of the 80s with Jordan" feeling..


And Tony Dungy and Peyton Manning in a big game produced that sleeper *cringes*

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The guy came out of retirement for that one game. He even said after the game that he screwed it up and he would've given anything to stay retired and give the Giants a chance. If the snap and hold was good, the Giants would be advancing.


But beyond that, they beat themselves with the kicking department already. Their punter got off only a few decent punts, allowing the 49ers to gain excellent field position and ultimately come back. Then there was that wide field goal in the first half which would have been the difference.


But a lot of credit goes to the 49ers for staying together and picking apart the Giant defense, which looked all but impenetrable in the first half. The matchup of Terrell Owens against Jason Sehorn was one of the keys for San Francisco as the Giants were playing Owens man-to-man with Sehorn, which is something you should definitely not do with someone of such great talent as Terrell Owens.


All in all, well done San Francisco. They've got to get ready now for Warren Sapp and Co. next week, which should be a helluva game to watch.

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Pretty strange. After the game they released a statement...the Giants should have had another chance. It was pass interferance on an eligable reciever. Pretty crappy ending...didn't even get a fair shake at winning. Oh well. I'm not a Giant fan...GO BUCS!!!


My predictions.


Tennesee beats Pitt with McNair still whipping

Jets take Raiders in another huge game for Pennington


Tampa dismantles the 49ers

Atlanta over the Eagles


then Tennesee beats Jets, Tampa beats Atlanta again


then Tampa injures McNair, and wins the Super Bowl by 238 points...or a close overtime win...whichever comes first...

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Ferg, it was pass interference on an eligible receiver, yes, but there was another guy down field who was ineligible (i think his number was 65 or 66 or something, not sure). The penalties offset and thats why no extra chance was given, even though it was legitimate pass interference. I remember the call specifically and can't figure out why the league released that statement.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

Ferg, it was pass interference on an eligible receiver, yes, but there was another guy down field who was ineligible (i think his number was 65 or 66 or something, not sure). The penalties offset and thats why no extra chance was given, even though it was legitimate pass interference. I remember the call specifically and can't figure out why the league released that statement.



It was an eligible reciever but the PI was never called there was another penalty that offset the ineligable reciever (a stupid SP teams penalty)

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