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Space Question.

Deft Aklin

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Originally posted by Thew Rydur

I think they said that the Space Exp. would be released 6-12 months after the game.


Even six months seems too long. I was just reading something on the official site that said something about them giving everyone time to save up money to buy their own vessels. I guess it is a good point, but who wants to spend six months as a smuggler with no ship hanging in the local cantina?

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My point is, I can breed Rancors, but if someone actually wants one and they don't live on the same planet. Well, then I have to wait until I can actually get a ship to deliver it. I doubt I will be breeding Rancors in the first six months anyway, probably more like Dewbacks, but I guess either way it doesn't really matter. Either way I'll still have to wait 6+ months to actually get a transport.

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I wish it could come sooner too, but if you've had any game creating experience at all, you'll see that it takes A LONG TIME to make a game, even if it's a very small with low graphics quality it may take like 1-3 months to make.

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well taking into consideration that the flying thing is another game in itself (they're actually working on both SEPARATLY) it'll take a bit of time to complete. They *could* sell it as a game of its own if they just made it more independable by the SWG system, but uhm, it'll be merged with SWG in the end...thats what i read on the FAQ anyway...

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Basically we have to buy another copy anyway, at least this way it is connected to our previous (denoting future purchase) investment. I do realize that it does take a long time. I personally think they should have had a seperate team working on it from the start. That way it could have been releasedat the same time.


I hope there is no charge associated with the transports, it almost doesn't seem fair. You can't buy a ship, but you must pay to travel. I guess that all depends on how the economy works though I guess.

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yes i understand that the space exp will come out 6-12 months after SWG, but at least you have galaxies to occupy you until that comes out, be happy for that. I hope we will be able to partially design our own ships, because i want something nice, but not too big.

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Ah, forget that. We'll charge them to train their Creature Handler, then have them come pick the darn thing up.


"Let's see, that will be 500,000 the training.....another 1,000,000 for the Rancor and you will have to pick everything up within the next two days."

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Hmmm, I'm reading this thread and I see some misunderstandings about a few concepts.


First, what is a smuggler? Well, a smuggler is someone who transports something under false pretext of being something else, or hidden items, and it is ussually illicit cargo. Like liquor, weapons, chemicals, exotic animals, etc.....

That's in real life though. :)

As far as I know, there are no law against transporting a Rancor in the Star Wars Univers, so transporting it would not be smuggling then. :) The only time that would be smuggling is if you are getting it on the transport without paying for it. ;)


I hope there is no charge associated with the transports, it almost doesn't seem fair. You can't buy a ship, but you must pay to travel.

This made me giggle alittle (sorry, Irulual, no harm ment, I just couldn't help myself ;) ).

Well, why is it unfair? Once the SE comes out, and you get a ship of your own, I'm almost positive it will cost, if not more, then atleast as much as it would take to travel on a commute, in maintainence, fuel, repairs, etc.... :)



For the question about wether or not you will have to buy the SE or not, I'm fairly positive you will.

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Of course, you would be right Jan, assuming there are costs associated with the ship. Ie. Replenishing fuel cells and the like. They may not actually add this though, as such is always found to be repetetive and tiresome. It would lower the amount of people piloting vessels though, since casual travel could get rather expensive. I have found that most MUSHes (Text based RPing system) have eliminated said expenses due to the tedious effort involved on all parties. This isn't exactly something people want to RP.

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No, I think you misunderstood me, or maybe I mis-stated. I agree, that repairs should have to be paid for, that is Star Wars, but in what movie have you ever seen Han refueling his ship? I just don't believe in the whole refueling thing. It's a waste of time. As a GM, I removed it, too boring. Nobody wanted to take part in it. Just like blaster power packs. Always assumed they were infinite. Have you ever seen anyone, and I mean anyone in SW run out of blaster gas to fling at people? Just watch some of the fire fights in the SW movies, doesn't happen. Why bother with it. Boring, repetetive and completely unnecessary. If everyone has infinite shots, then there is no reason to worry about such miniscule details, let's just get to the story. The plot is the most important pat anyway isn't it? Not nit-picking.




(Pardon me, I seem to be long-winded today) ;)

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I just don't believe in the whole refueling thing. It's a waste of time.

Well, wether you think it's a waste of time or not, it is a part of Star Wars, from movies to comics. And believe what you want, but an ion engine needs fuel of some kind, and that will eventually run out. :)

Just like blaster power packs. Always assumed they were infinite.

Well, again, it is part of Star Wars, wether you like it or not. From movies to comics. :)


And the reason why you never see anyone reload in the movies is because, I have yet to have seen any of them fire off 500 bolts before it was time to change blaster gas pack. ;)


Again, as I said in another thread here, this is more than just a game, it's a chance to be part of the Star Wars Universe, with all it's small tidbits. :)

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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

And the reason why you never see anyone reload in the movies is because, I have yet to have seen any of them fire off 500 bolts before it was time to change blaster gas pack. ;)


Well, if you check the old WEG RPG books, I am pretty sure that you will find that most blasters only fired between 35 and 50 shots before they needed to be reloaded. I know I saw scenes in which they easily should have gone through the blaster packs.

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This is getting really off topic but... I think the RPG needed limits for gameplay and such. If it was 500 shots then they probably would have just made it infinite. The rifle the clone troopers used for instance has a clip of approx. 500 shots. I know some weapons however, like the DL-44 only have about 25. So you see there is a big difference that can affect the gameplay.

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