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how do u limit the jetpack to a player class or to a player model?


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The short answer, is in code:

Well, I'd limit it in bg_pmove.c in PMove_Single - where it has the JetPack_Move check, just "if" it to check the players model/class, then leave a blank or no "else"


I apologize if your question wasn't about coding, I can't tell.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't quite recall how the Jetpack is set up - you are using Eternal's, right?


I made my own >(


I remember looking at it when I became frustrated with mine, they both work pretty much the same, only he (very wisely) sets some flags on the player, so they'll act normally, with one bonus - they can jetpack to and fro.

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err where are you storing the player's class? You can't say "if (PCLASS_NOJETPACK) ..." coz that will always evaluate to true (unless PCLASS_NOJETPACK is the first enumerator in the player class enumerator list), even if the player is allowed to have a jetpack.

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Originally posted by AJL

Which mod have jetpack ??


What is it a like ?? (how does it work ??)


You press some button and you fly up and thats all... or ?

Well, the popular one basically just turns on fly mode for the player and makes flames shoot out of their back.

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I know that OmniMOD v1.5/ JediPLUS v6.0 has jetpack. All you do is set a key in configuration for the Jetpack. I'm not certain about the command to set it on for a specific class but I read on the cvars.txt file (I think of JediPLUS v4.3) and they said that if u set "mod_jetpack 1", that means that only Fetts and mercanaries can use the jetpack, or it may be that "mod_jetpack 2" sets it for Fetts and mercanaries, I don't know. Usually it will say on the cvars.txt file how to do it. Basically, you press the button once to turn on the jetpack, you will also notice smoke coming out of their jetpack (when using a Fetts) For none Fetts, it comes out of their back (kinda funny, haha :D). Movement is basically jump to moves you up...crouch to moves you down. To turn it off, you just press the button again. There is no gauge to tell you how much fuel is left, but the jetpack only last for a few seconds (I think 30 seconds or maybe more...if you stay up in the air for that long). :saberr::dmaul3::sprobe::sithm::holosid:

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