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NFL?? I find Football boring. But not as boring as Soccer mind you.


The following is a translation of this post for our fellow europeans, especially the British.


NFL?? I find American Football boring. But not as boring as Football mind you.

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Thank you, Jem.


The Niners really got a jolt in the second half. Everyone thought the game was put away and the Niners were all helpless. Then Jeff Garcia swaggers in and starts throwing the ball everywhere and Terrell Owens is there, doing next to everything to keep San Fran alive. If it wasn't for the man-to-man matchup they had on Owens with that overrated Jason Sehorn, the Niners probably would've been as good as done. But now they've got the Bucs to contend with next week. This should be interesting.

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Cuz that's haw we say stillers in picksburgh. im gonna head dahntahn to get me some permanee's sammiches and cash ma unimploymint check and head over ta pants n'at with dawnie i-arse. Afer that we goin dahnareena to see the pens game.


For those that don't speak that language:

Because that's how we say steelers in pittsburgh. I'm going to head downtown to get some Primanti sandwiches and cash my unemployment check and head over to Pants 'n At (doesn't actually exist) with Donnie Iris. After that we're going down to the mellon arena to watch the penguins game.


we can't talk :(

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Actually, there are several dialects of what people think of as "Bostonian." It seems to get divided among neighborhoods, as well as somewhat along class lines. There's "Bramin" Bostonian, which is the upscale, classy, rich, old-time "Proper" Beacon Hill Boston accent... and then there's the "Southie" style Bostonian, which is the blue collar accent. There's several variations on each of these, depending on what part of town you are from.


Doesn't matter much anyway anymore... the population of Boston more than doubles whenever college is in session, and most of the people who live and work here are originally from somewhere else anyways, so it's kind of rare these days to meet someone with a true Boston accent.

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In my experience, most places just say things differently, like the Bostonian R dropping. But Pittsburgh took time out of it's busy schedule of losing population and taxing people to invent new words and condense entire sentences into a three words or less. Examples: yinz = you (singular or plural) and "yinz goin dahnastrip" = "Are you going down to the Strip District?"


PS Ike - What college? All the ones I can think of are either less than 45 minutes out or more. It wasn't California University was it?

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i actually dont' really have any sort of a pittsburgheze accent...it's just that if you like the steelers you have to say it that way or you're not a true fan. one of my friends lives in pittsburgh and she says things like "windy's" instead of wendy's, and "still meal" instead of steel mill, and she mell's letters instead of mailing them, etc. you can tell a person is from western pa in about 2 seconds if you've heard it before.

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