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Lets check shall we :D


Plo Koon

this Jedi Master was one of the last members of the Jedi Council. As a padawan, Plo Koon was trained by the Wookiee Tyvokka, until his death during the Stark Hyperspace Wars. A Kel Dor descended from a long line of Jedi Knights, Plo Koon was a close friend of Qui-Gon Jinn. He hoped that the human Jedi Master would someday sit on the Council, but recognized that his friend was much too headstrong to adjust to the Council's rigors. Being a Kel Dor, with enlarged external sensory organs, Plo Koon's grasp and control of the Force was incredible, and he was known among the Council for his warrior skills. Plo Koon was noted for his efforts in rallying the forces of the Old Republic after Master Tyvokka was killed during the Fifth Battle of Qotile. Years later, he was present when Anakin Skywalker was first presented to the Council, and was one of the Jedi Masters who were dispatched to Geonosis to combat the Separatists during the opening stages of the Clone Wars. Plo Koon was portrayed by Alan Ruscoe in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace, and by Matt Sloan in Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones.



Yes your right :D

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Originally posted by GreekJedi

I wish less ppl would want to be human. But i'm gonna be human too. Since we have to just pick one character and stick with him i'm gonna pick human cuz well they look cool.


Dont know what job i'll get, maybe i'll go work at the local Star Wars K Mart


You can have more than one character, just on different servers. You get a total of ten characters per account.

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yeah i know u can have more then one character per account. But when i play this game i'm just gonna use one guy. Maybe 2 if i really screw up with the first guy and i wanna start fresh and learn from my mistakes. But i'll be playing with my brother. we're gonna get 2 cd's 2 accounts on 2 different computers. so i can't just switch servers cuz i want to play in the same server as my brother.

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