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Houston we have a problem........


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Ok i posted in the technical forum but im gonna post this ? here so it can be seen :p


Ok I booted up my JK:2 MP today and went to join game.

Now heres the problem, when I clicked get new list it cleared all the servers that were there (obviously) but it will not load another list, it just says retreiving new list and stays blank.


It will still show my favorites but it will NOT get me a damn new list funny thing is it worked fine yesterday.


So I do a re-install and still same thing, no luck.

So I boot up SoF:2 because i notice it has the same server select menu and guess what?


IT IS DOING THIS TOO!! :confused:


Anyone out there know wtf is up with my game?

Is this a bug?

Has this happened to any of you?

How do i fix this?


If u guys can help me out here it would be much appreciated. :D




P.S- Yes i have ASE and GamespyArcade but i liked joining through the actual game.

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Originally posted by Danyael

this happens on occassion. Master Server Problems sometimes. does not have anything to do with your pc or connection. get ASE (all seeing eye) or gamespy. that will give you some current games until the master server it back up and running.


That is correct.

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servers do depend on your geographic area, mine were down while many people had no problems to connect. It snot your game, or your connection, just your areas master servers are down (like others pointed out) use any of the other server finding utilities mentioned above to connect.

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