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funny poll at statics


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Why not?

Plenty of people that want to get married, even re-married, in the Star Wars Universe. :)


It's part of roleplaying.

You can even have a family if you want to, since all of us, theoretically, can have the same last name. ;)

I say theoratically cause I doubt they will allow everyone to have the same surname, even though it is possible, for obviouse reasons. ;)

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well if i would find the right twi-lek dancer....er.... i mean.... never mind



Hey, get your girlfriend to play it too, then you can marry ingame to see how it will be like. :)


Yeah, you out traveling the galaxy making money for moths at an end, while she's at home spending it and watching the kids,cleaning the house and everything. And then when you come home (finally) she bitches about how you never there, and .... and .... errr, nevermind, maybe not such a good idea after all. :D :D :D

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Originally posted by swediot=)

well i doubt you can make kids eeeeww think about it wookie+twilek = one god damn hairy twilek :lol:

that would be sight wouldn't it :D


but as you know... no one can "have" childeren at least in mixed species. so.... read the x-wing books to find out :D

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but you cant adopt akid as far I know there is no school in the game but i guess that could be a thing you adopt the kid and you take it as your padawan so to speak so if your a droid engineer you teach him/her all about droid mechanics and jaadi jaa bla bla shola hop shola haa

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