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My new PC.


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Originally posted by Jabba The Hunt

I've just fitted my new XP2000 processor but it wont stay cool, i'm having to run my pc with one side of the case off just to be able to use it, its running at about 45 degrees celcius (110 degrees F) anyone know how to cool it down without paying out for a water cooling system?


dude, they said they run fine at like 190 F.......mine is at 120 when maxed out, 100 when idle........dont worry about it....and having the side open can hurt the cooling of everything else, get another intake fan and put the side on before you brun out a HD

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Originally posted by Keyan Farlander

Well, I was actually thinking of XWA, kind of on the recent end of "oldie." Though I must admit I spend more time with the original X-Wing and TIE Fighter, and even the original Wing Commander.


This is how it goes:


Pixels = Great Oldies

No Pixels = Crap (most of the time)


I was about to finish TIE Fighter and DOOM (only two levels left, can't find the damned key...) until I installed Windows XP... I need to go back to 98. XP isn't Oldies Friendly.

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XP isn't Oldies Friendly.



Really?!?! I can't play doom anymore? that sucks, ever once in a while I install it, beat it, and uninstall it for the hell of it. I wonder what other old game won't work with XP. Because I've been getting the urge to play Age of Empires and I was thinking about installing it.

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Well not exactly, DOOM works but I can't get the sound/music to work (same thing for Wolfenstein 3D). Could be that because of my Soundcard being too new, a try under win98 should answer that question...


But most of the games don't work: Duke Nukem 3D, Monkey Island, TIE Fighter, Privateer, Dune 2, Seal Team, Syndicate and much much more.


If the game actually loads the mouse won't work or it will be too slow, I've tried doing the proper configurations (adding memory on DOS etc) but still no...


The only Oldies that seem to work are the Oldie Oldies, as in very Oldie. Commander Keen 1 is the only Oldie that works fine with me.

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Originally posted by GUNNER

So it was time for the GUNNERdog to build himself a new kickass PC so he could play all the new games in 1600X1200 with all the goodies turned on max so I picked me up some new hardware...


I started with an Asus P4PE mother board , added a P4 1.8A chip, a Leadtek GF4 Ti4400, 512mg of Corsair XMS DDR3200 but used my old (6 months) 80G HDD and SB audigy xgamer. I did get me a Lite-on 48x24x48 burner for Christmas so that's new as well.


now here is the cool part. So far I have over clocked my chip from 1.8 all the way to 2.7ghz. Now is that kick ass? I think so.



:cool: <------Me.

How do you over clock them????



With my FSB at 150mhz the ram is running at 400DDR.


150 mhz FSB??? Well, now they have 533 mhz FSB's, and they're better. Thats what I'm getting in my new computer :p

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My NEW computer I'm gonna get will have these specs:


Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor 3.06GHz w/ Hyper-Threading Technology


512MB RDRAM® PC1066 expandable to 1536MB


200GB UATA100 7200RPM Hard Drive w/ 8MB Performance Enhancing Cache


3.5" 1.44MB diskette drive


DVD-RAM/-R/CD-RW Recorder (A DVD R/RW)and 48x/24x/48x CD-RW


18" LCD Flat Panel Display Analog/Digital


128MB ATI Radeon 9700G PRO AGP Graphics Accelerator with TV Out and DVI


SoundBlaster Audigy Audio w/ IEEE 1394 (FireWire)

Boston Acoustics® BA7900 5.1 Speakers


Logitech Wireless Keyboard and Wireless Optical Mouse


And for software.......


The Sims


Office XP


A movie creator boxed set with a couple programs, well to be specific, here is what I'll get in the boxed set:


Pinnacle Studio 8


HollywoodFX Special Edition


2 IEEE 1394 FireWire Cables


CD/DVD Stomper Pro Kit


Survive&Thrive: Capture, Create and Share Digital Movies



5 blank CD-Rs and 5 blank DVD-Rs

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Originally posted by AcrylicGuitar

How do you over clock them????





150 mhz FSB??? Well, now they have 533 mhz FSB's, and they're better. Thats what I'm getting in my new computer :p


You over clock them by going into the bios and turning up the front side bus.


Ok, quick lesson on bus speed....


all of the Northwood chips, the 512 cache P4s, the P4s with 256 cache are Paliminos.


Ok, so back to the northwoods... Most are a 400mhz bus speed. What that means is the front side bus is 100mhz and since all of the P4s are "quad pumped" it means you times the fsb speed X4.


So a 400mhz chip has a fsb of 100X4 or 400mhz.....


So a chip with a 533mhz fsb is a chip with a 133fsb times 4 to get 533.


So if my chip is at a FSB of 150 it is in actuallity 150X4 which is 600mhz .


So Mine is faster. :)


The faster the FSB the more efficent the chip is because the info travels at a faster rate. So while chip speed is nice, transfer rate is nicer and the faster the better.


The fastest i have heard of a FSB on any chip is 161. Which would be 161X4 or 644mhz.


does that make sence? Any question just ask me. I don't know it all, just enough to be dangerous...:D

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Originally posted by Jabba The Hunt

Yeah guys I know a CPU can operate at high tempreatures, its just this one gets really unstable above 47/48 degrees C, Half Life Starts crashing all the time, my PC won't restart and loads of other stuff.


Any suggestions?


Well, if you dont have a fan, get one, or get a new fan....thats my 500 cents. :D

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Jabba. I'm not sure how hot is to hot but all I know is mine is at 33C for the chip and my motherboard is at 23C. If yours is at 47 that might be a little to excessive. do you have good cooling? You want at least one fall pulling in cold air and one blowing out the hot. And I'm not talking about the power supply fan blowing out. also do you have a good fan on your chip?


I do know that AMD chips run hotter then the Intels but not that much.



Acrylic. Sounds like your getting a nice set-up. Is it a home built or are you getting a premade unit? you could build that for probably around 2K with out the software. I would have to go look to be sure but premade are always more cash then a home built, by alot...


do you know what kind of motherboard or ram your getting. Some ram is better then others and it's nice to know your getting some good stuff and not just middle of the road stuff.


Mushkin, corsair, crucial, samsung are all nice name brand sticks. Good ram means the difference between a kick ass unit and a ho hum one. The motherboard is also a big part, some come with onbaord stuff that is not needed and a watse of money.


do you know what your getting?

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Originally posted by GUNNER

Acrylic. Sounds like your getting a nice set-up. Is it a home built or are you getting a premade unit? you could build that for probably around 2K with out the software. I would have to go look to be sure but premade are always more cash then a home built, by alot...


do you know what kind of motherboard or ram your getting. Some ram is better then others and it's nice to know your getting some good stuff and not just middle of the road stuff.


Mushkin, corsair, crucial, samsung are all nice name brand sticks. Good ram means the difference between a kick ass unit and a ho hum one. The motherboard is also a big part, some come with onbaord stuff that is not needed and a watse of money.


do you know what your getting?

K...I'm getting a prebuilt...(a gateway)

the Ram I'm getting is RDRAM, which I hear is the best ram out now, and the most expensive. Plus I heard it was pretty fast too.

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Originally posted by AcrylicGuitar

K...I'm getting a prebuilt...(a gateway)

the Ram I'm getting is RDRAM, which I hear is the best ram out now, and the most expensive. Plus I heard it was pretty fast too.


RDRAM, or RAMBUS, is good stuff but I was asking was "who" makes the ram. ;)


What makes rambus good is it's bandwidth. but now that they make DDR3500 it's a toss up as to what's faster. both have their good points. Plus there are way more motherboards that are made for DDR ram now then rambus.


It's good stuff, it's just that DDR has closedt he gap considerably on who is top dog.


plus expensive does not mean better, just that your out more money. I would even bet my DDR3200 is as fast as your rambus.

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Originally posted by Jabba The Hunt:

It was installed by a 'pro', and my coolings fine, I'm in a room which is kept at about 10 degrees C due to the british winter, I have one side of the case off the computer, a case fan, cpu fan and northbridge fan.


Should I take it back to the shop for them to have a look at?


Even if the temperature in your room is much below pleasant levels, your cpu can get too hot if the cooler isn't properly attached to the core. If that's the case, then either the "pro" did a lousy job, or something went wrong after the installation (transporting your machine or something, although that's unlikely IMO). Anyway, you should take it back to the store and have a look at it there, I think.

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  • 1 month later...

My case is already moded. I cut out a hole for my window and added a 120 fan in it to blow on my AGP slot and then added a 4 switch fan bus so I can run all my fans at either 7V or 12V. The fan grill for my 120 is a sweet red colored atomic unit.

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