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GF2 Ideas


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I was thinking that maybe if we come up with a good enough idea, LucasArts might consider trying to publish a GF2. If we can get enough people on the site to pledge to buy it, then they might seriously consider it as well. Here's my ideas.


I think a sequel should involve Eva as one of the main characters. Glottis should definitely be in it. And Maximino and Nick should be taking over from where Hector left off. Maximino shouldn't really be trying to be horrible, Nick should be trying to run everything through him.

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What if you got meche to accidentally be transferred down to where nick and the others are gone then manny who is resting in the number nine and still thinking meche is using the little lady's room has to get out of paradise in the first year and then in the second he lands back in the land of the dead there he has to find some kind of special portal that takes him to what lies beneath(while in the land of the dead he could meet and even enlist the help of a few freinds like say glottis)

When manny reaches there he is either knocked out or drugged or something and is in a room with many familiar figures but still has to get out and find meche

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If they are to make a sequel they should forget about the first game's characters and storyline, and try to create something new with the land of the dead as a background. Personally I'd like to see the game using new sources of inspiration, and maybe move a bit away from Casablanca/Chinatown to something more similar to North by Northwest and/or Notorious. Keeping the classic movie references is a must at least.

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You're quite right, Nick did get sent down below. I liked "Gf2 wanted"'s ideas, but I also think that RemiO is right, the game should have the same setting, the land of the dead, just different characters. Maybe the main character can be part of the crime scene, and then have some revalation.

It'll be hard to make a game as great as Grim Fandango, but I think LucasArts can come pretty damn close.

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Ok i just had another idea this ones pretty good as well

the ninth underworld is not in fact the last frontier as was thought in the 8th but is a ramshackle world full of deadly gangs and street thugs(still skeletons of course) nobody knows theres a way out and nobody cares there are great deserts ala lawrence of arabia and things are just about to boil over. to finally complete the great fandango manny must stop a great unnoticible dark evil that can reveal the truth to his past and his punishment a noticeble switch from the noir genre to the horror. Manny and meche will both be contollable but in accordance to my last idea they could be separated when they are robbed at the train station and she is kidnapped (it could also be a kind of western with them riding into the sunset at the end) manny would stay in the city and meet the fast talking mafioso gang and go to the old fashioned salloon. while meche would travel the desert with a gang of cutthroat nomads

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fun idea with lots of potential! I think, however, that the writers are somewhat limited by actual Mexican mythology. One of the greatest parts of GF for me was the involvement in actual Mexican and Mayan folklore. The little details like taking a train to the 9th underworld are up to the writers, but I dont think they'd want to rewrite mythology for the sake of a game. It'd kinda be like making a game where you play Jesus, and just when you're about to be crusified, you whip out your super strength powers, pull up the cross, and go through town whacking centurions on the head with it.

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Well, recently, Gabez posted a scan on The Scumm Bar which involved EXTREMELY JUICY DETAILS on the upcoming Grim Fandango 2.


The details being that it is a possibility, but it's completely and totally, utterly and certainly unconfirmed, it was a mere hint that there possibly might just be maybe a chance that sequel could potentially be thought about.


The juice part being the Ribena spilled upon the magazine. Although that was after it was scanned. And it might not have happened... yet.


Personally, I'm happy with just the one Grim Fandango, and I would rather Lucas Arts explore new folklore, myths and legend in a new exciting adventure that adds another character to the adventurin' gang.


A sequel could only tarnish.

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Originally posted by Bogart

BRING ON THE SEQUEL! Oh please! Did MK2 tarnish MK1? No! did MK3 tarnish MK2? no!


First of all, there is a possibility of a sequel. Not a sequel.


Secondly, one might argue that MI3 did tarnish MI2; and MI4 certainly tarnished the other MI's.


Finally, you have to look at the games individually. Manuel's journey has ended. Therefore a sequel would be a bad idea, with or without new characters. We've already explored the land of the dead and the mexican culture themes. Why does everyone always have to beg for a sequel? It would almost be the video game equivalent of making a sequel to 'Casablanca'.

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Originally posted by scabb

First of all, there is a possibilityFinally, you have to look at the games individually. Manuel's journey has ended. Therefore a sequel would be a bad idea, with or without new characters. We've already explored the land of the dead and the mexican culture themes.

I disagree, the land of the dead could concievabley take up a huge amount of area, probably as big as (if not bigger) the world we live in now. With imagination, there is an infinite variety of strange species and lifestyles which might exist when people die.


Remember that although GF spanned 4 years, we only saw 4 days worth of the Land of the Dead in between each 'one year later' cut scene.


What did meche contend with in the petrified forest for a year, what cities and ports might manny and glottis have come across during their sailing adventures?


I think that to bring back the original characters would be foolish, but certainly the Land of the Dead is full of rich and fertile soil on which to build further stories and legends.

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Yes, but the interesting part about Grim Fandango was learning about the land of the dead - how the ticket system works, the corruption, the perilous journey to the train station of 'fun'.


Plus, what made Grim Fandango was the batch of characters at hand, the unique afterlivian theories, and more importantly, Mr Schafer and his team of monkeys.


I am against a sequel, although I would still buy it, play it, and nitpick if it came out ;)

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I think that I might actually repeal my earlier opinion and agree with scabb on this one. What I do think though is that it would be a great idea with new characters to explore the afterlife in another religion. That would make a great sequel to Grim Fandango. WIth different characters and maybe doing a journey through purgatory. Eh? How about "Dante's Fandango". How do you like that?

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A re-release of the official soundtrack would be cool but I really would like a sequel. You're right, it shouldn't be connected at all to the original Grim Fandango, the characters are too classic to further use, it would just be milking the cow so much that the milk turns sour. The story and the game was so perfect that I'm afraid a sequel using the same premise and characters would blemish the beautifully polished surface.


What I do think however is once again using my ideas from my last post, LucasArts should make another game using a religious afterlife. Obviously not the same characters, the same territory, the same land or the same anything. Just the idea that the game is a story based on a religious afterlife. As I said, Purgatory, Hell, and Heaven would be awesome and then again, so would the idea of crossing the river Styx and having to deal with Hades.


It wouldn't have to be connected with Grim Fandango at all, it would just be using the same idea of the game. New characters, new style, new religion. I think it would be awesome.

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Yes, I think your ideas are very interesting, but once they're not even about mxican afterlife, it can't really be considered a sequel. Such a game would be great though.:)


I do want a real sequel with the same chars(some of them), with a small possibility of playing Meche(though I still prefer Manny).

My idea is that for the first time in history, when Manny is on the train, it breaks down somehow.(How typical, lol).

Then Manny has to get out of the train and back to the 8th underworld, and find Glottis who is the only one who can fix it(quite approriate, don't you think?;)).

Then you need to find Glottis and on your way you discover that something teriblle is about to happen and you need to prevent.

I don't know why, but I imagined Manny looking for Glottis on an island or something.


Maximino as the villan who is controlled by someone else is a good idea.

Also, after GF2 is completed, Manny could possibly be getting into the 9th underworld in a different way, and in GF3(:p:rolleyes:) you could meet Lola and some other people who were sprouted, and help them get into the 9th underworld. Btw, is the sprouting idea from Mexican folklore or is it just made up?

And is there any belief of what the 9th underworld is like in the folklore?

All these ideas, if carefully polished and editd(if only Tim would come back to LucasArts!), could make a great sequel taht doesn't necceserilly ruin the first one.

And btw, MI3 ruined MI1 and 2 because it wasn't developed by Ron Gilbert like they were.


So to conclude, I have always wanted a sequel, and I don't think I'll change my mind soom.;)


P.s. I'm sorry if I'm flooding the forum by accident, but I just signed up and I've wantd to reply to all these threads for a long time.:)

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I thought it would be quite cool to do a Third Man sort of thing - Glottis sends a message to Manny asking him to come and visit, but when manny gets there, he finds that Glottis is dead....


As far as resurrecting old characters goes - how about Domino? He was never actually sprouted, and Hector survived a fall from the top of a tall building. I think there's room for a creepy, fragments of bone reassembling themselves on the ocean floor scene there...

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I don't think there's a very big chance of Tim Schafer coming back to LucasArts. The ideas for a sequel are great and a there is a possibility that there could be a wonderful sequel, but the possibility that it would put on blemish on the first one is great that I wouldn't put my money on it. I know that we all long to play with those characters once again....but if they're ruined then....the magic would be gone. I think it's better to leave a lot of Grim Fandango's mysteries unsolved.


In response to BriteWhiteLight, I think that the reassembling bone fragments is a bit too much but Glottis being dead could lead onto some interesting trails.

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