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I've made my decision...


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I'm getting galaxies for xbox live. There is no other way I'd want to play it, considering xbox live will have the voice communicator, and hopefully galaxies has various voice modulations for each race. I'm going to be a Trandoshan, but if i can be more than one character, Zabrak. both male characters. =]

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Originally posted by Phalnax

big mistake, I don't want to get into a console vs computer arguement but....well.... computers are better. Anything on the Xbox, can be done on Comp., only better. For instance, Voice Comm. http://www.teamspeak.org/ Great program for voice comm.


Good to know. Thanks for that info. One question though, is there a cost associated with this?

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Originally posted by Phalnax

big mistake, I don't want to get into a console vs computer arguement but....well.... computers are better. Anything on the Xbox, can be done on Comp., only better.


Hehe, I used to think so too. But now with my playstation2, I must say that my PC morale is weakened. You will not experience something like Virtua Fighter 4 on a PC. Evah. But yeah, no way I'd play something that requires typing on a console. Or a strategy game. Or a first person shooter. Because you don't play first person shooters, you suffer them! :)


And the X-box controller makes my tiny hands hurt. It's a very mean console.

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Genesis, 6:44-50:


On the seventh day, before resting and leaving upon Man to explore Eden, He stepped before Man and gave twin gifts:

45 First God gave upon Man the PC, and he spoke: "This is a computer. Use it for the holy Internet Relay Chat. Revere it for its p2p might. And I will gift it with the keyboard, and the mouse".

46 Then God gave upon Man the console, and he spoke: "This is a console. Use it for its holy fighting games. Revere it for the joy of social gaming. And I will gift it with the gamepad."

47 But Man fought among itself, for he could not agree which was the better. And Man tried to combine the two systems, by giving the console a keyboard and a mouse, and porting fighting games to the PC. God saw this, and was truly furiated at Man. Again, he stepped down, and spoke:

48 "You have angried me greatly! I created the PC and the console to be equal, yet different. Yet you fight about which is superior, and blaspheme by bastardizing the gifts of the divine Trinity; the keyboard, the mouse and the gamepad.

Therefore, I will curse both systems: 49 I will curse the PC with the Egyptian plagues of viruses, codecs and popups. And I will curse the console with the Sodom sins of sport games, withdrawn european releases and The Nintendo Thumb." 50

And from that day on, both systems were flawed, and mankind would never again experience ultimate, divine gaming.



Learn from the good book, ladies and gentlemen. Some things are simply not meant to be! We risk a second Great Flood if we keep living in sin like this!

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Hello all, kinda new around here.


Just to through some marbles into your path, the problem with Teamspeak, and I use it in my squad when I play wwiionline, is that everyone has to be on the same server, which as to be determined upfront. Where as the xbox version of communication is universal since everyone who has xbox live has the communication tools and is all ready on the same line.


All in all the looks of the game, after all the appearence of starwars is half the fun, is what sells me to my PC version over the xbox version.


Well there is my cent and a half.

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It doesn't matter what format it's on...i like both PC and xbox but

i'll get on PC first then maybe xbox if i get live when it come's out in the UK in March.


I don't care as long as i play it soon...before i get bored..j/k




Sativa Mineral and Gas Corportaion



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To Skelch:


Welcome to the SWGalaxies.Net Forum!!! :)


I'm Jan Gaarni, XO of the Official Welcomming Committee.


Be sure to check out the Read This First thread at the top of this forum, as it contains some guidelines on how to behave, if you haven't all ready. :)


Most here are friendly and the aggression level is far from what you will find in the Official SWG Boards, so I'm sure you will like it here.


Please feel free to stay as long as you want. :)


And have some chocolate covered gnorts. :D Complementary Juztyn. :p


Also be sure to check out the SWGalaxies.Net site which is connected to these forums. :)


We hope you enjoy your stay here on the SWGalaxies.Net Forums. :)

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Thank you thank you,


I am glad to hear the aggression level is less here. Aggression is to be expected on online forums.


But as your post suggests it is too high on the official forums, lotsa crying and flaming ther :p


Anyway I don't want to high jack the thread. :D

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If voce communication is all you want, man we were doing that stuff in EQ 2 years before X-box was even arround. There are about 5 different systems that you can use for voice with a PC. Being that SWG will be windowed it will be even easier to use then with EQ.


Also, as someone who has recently beta tested EQ Online adventures, let me tell you that Console versions of these games are NOT what you are looking for. They are dumbed down, way too easy to play and small. If you are 12 years old they are ok but not for the serious gammer.

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Originally posted by Skelch

I am glad to hear the aggression level is less here. Aggression is to be expected on online forums.



Am I agressive? Did he say I'm agressive, Jan? Did he?! Me?!:p


Seriously, we are peaceful people here, only in it for the gnorts. Oh, and my cookies. You want one? There's some left in the jar to the left.

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it's just that i don't feel like spending an additional $100-$200 upgrading my computer to play the game. and besides, i won't have to worry about 56k'ers lagging up the game [note: i haven't really played any mmoRPG games to verify the 56k lagging comment]

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Originally posted by Rogue15

it's just that i don't feel like spending an additional $100-$200 upgrading my computer to play the game. and besides, i won't have to worry about 56k'ers lagging up the game [note: i haven't really played any mmoRPG games to verify the 56k lagging comment]


Well, since MMORPG's use a biiiiiig server owned by the producers of the game, individual lag will only hinder the lagging player, not others. It's the servers speed that matters, not the players (though you might be used to servers suffering from lag. Now that's a different things. Then it is the hosting computer that is lagging).

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Originally posted by Rogue15

it's just that i don't feel like spending an additional $100-$200 upgrading my computer to play the game. and besides, i won't have to worry about 56k'ers lagging up the game [note: i haven't really played any mmoRPG games to verify the 56k lagging comment]


The game will be turn based therefore connection doesn't really matter

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It's not turn based.


But individuals with 56K modems make no change on the servers lag, only the total ammount of people on. Being that X-box will only have one server you are going to have more of a lag problem there then with the PC.


If you never see or play the PC version then maybe the Xbox version will be ok for you but trust me it will not be the same game, not even close.

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Thanks setsuko... Oh crap I got cookie crumbs in betweeene. the keeys of my kkkkeey board.


see what ya made me do? :D


Yeah I love my xbox, don't get me wrong it is the first console I have liked since I got my first PC, but you are right about them dumbing down the game to fit the consoles. It of course is because the xbox does not have upgradable hardware. Unless you hack it, but ya know what I mean. So the game has to stay within the abilites of the console.


But Lord knows I can understand money constraints. Just make sure your decission is made with all the facts about the limitations of a console version.




Roy aka Skelch

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