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Super Bowl Commercials!!!


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I have a feeling that:


_Matrix 2 & 3 are gonna majorly suck.

_T3 will be too corny, not to mention absolute corny phrases/replies such as:

<Terminiator accent>

"Don't worry, She'll Be BACK!" or "I am here to Kill.... YOU!"


_The Hulk will rock.


These are my predictions.

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My predictions


- I think Matrix 2 and 3 will suck, so that I dont have higher expectations than I should and then hate the film, having lower expections should make it a decent film :)


- T3 I dont really care about, if its good its good, if not then not a huge loss to society.


- Hulk - Why did they make this film?

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OMG I just downoaded and saw the new trailer for Matrix Reloaded and Revolutions and it's gonna majorly suck, yes SUCK. I now have total confirmation to afirm with absolute certainty that it will SUCK.


I actually downloaded it by accident when I wanted to download an mp2 song from DOOM over here


It opened this page right here and I clicked on the wrong button.


Anyways the movie will suck.


That is all.

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I am not retarded nor drunk (though sometimes I wonder...)


The CGI Neo is well done but it doesn't fit well, it looks kinda weird.

I think it's just gonna be some sensless try-to-be-cool fights.


The only movies I'm looking forward to are Bruce Almighty and Spiderman 2. Dumb & Dumberer I do not seem to care... maybe later.

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Maybe there will be cool stuff but I'm pretty sure the movie will end up sucking.


Anyways I'm not excited anout it, pretty much careless. And everyone is entitled to his own opinion and it's not because I find that something is gonna suck that everyone should.

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