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The Matrix Reloaded and Revolutions

Luke Skywalker

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I'm not sure. They certainly have the potential to be awesome, but from the trailors and such they could end up way overdoing it all and making it look not so great. I loved the first one so i hope they all turn out to be incredible. I'll defer my decision until they come out.

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I think that the matrix is going to be great, but i am not sure. sequels can go either way(good or bad) like The Lord of the Rings(two towers) i thought that was going to be better than the first but i didn't think it was.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Well lets see.


Matrix: Reloaded is coming out in May and Matrix: Revolutions is coming out in November.


I do think that The Matrix movies are going to give ROTK a run for its money but it is still hard to see how the public is going to take it and whether ROTK is going to come out in top or the Matrix movies. I am not going to be cocky like most fans are because honestly you never know what is going to happen.


As for people saying that the CGI is going to be overdone I don't think that they are. It is going to be visusally amazing and I know that the Wachoskis know what they want and that it isn't going to look to overdone but just right.


As for someone mentioning Daredevil. I doubt that it is going to be good. Just like the Hulk. Super hero movies are always made to cheazy some times and they just arent that good. Spider-Man is by far the best super hero movie that I have seen and that actually pleased the comic book fans.




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Originally posted by Admiral

Problem with the Matrix movies: THe First one made Neo into a god.

I thought it was going to be a problem too at first, but if the Wachowskis can pull it off it's going to be amazing. Remember that Neo is only a god inside the Matrix, the very system he's trying to destroy. It would be cool if Neo is actually going to hesitate giving up his godly powers for the good of humanity! It's an amazing dilemma!
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