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*Imperial Sympathetic PA*


Lurking in the shadows, the Dark Sovereignty has been manipulating the Galaxy for a hundred years. Slowly, they twist the fate of those against their beliefs. A twisting net of information gatherers, makes sure that none should ever surprise the Sovereignty. A strong, yet hidden military, rids the Sovereignty of it's foes. A small order of Dark Jedi protect the very beliefs of the Sovereignty, while maintaining order and loyalty amongst it's ranks. A top all of this, sits a mysterious leader, few have met, and even fewer would choose to. Accompanied by it's personal ranks of pilots, smugglers, technicians and medics, this Sovereignty would be a force to reckon with, if it chose to come out of hiding. That is not their way. That is not their leaders way. Yes, the dark will do. Surrounded by a veil of mystery and secrets, the Dark Sovereignty will continue it's ways. For what is the galaxy, without someone to control it?

This PA was created by myself and Dr. Zaius. It is a members only PA and you will need to request permission to join.

Contact me at irulual@yahoo.com

or check out our sites:

Yahoo Group:


SWGalaxies.net PA board:



LucasForums.com official PA forum:



I should add, this will be played on the Starsider server. You will not be expected to leave any current PA or Faction you may belong to. In fact, after joining you will be expected to join another PA. That PA, even though it is your secondary, will be the one you will participate in most. After all, how can we expect you to gather information if you spend all of your time working directly for us? I have already been working with several high ranking officials from some of the larger PAs on this server, and expect to be able to recruit at least one of these from each PA. Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments you may have via my e-mail address listed above.


We are currently also considering entire PAs that feel by joining us we will all benefit. The Leaders of these PAs will be rewarded with title. We welcome all faltering and mildly inactive PAs into ours. Together, with our combined strength.... ooh, bad place to start.

Anyway, I have noticed a lot of small, less than ten member PAs, seem to slow to a stand still after a few weeks. I will not allow this to happen here as I am far too long winded.

Please contact me via my above E-mail and we can discuss the terms of the merger.


Let me know if you are interested Van.


Thank you for your time,


aka irulual (Yahoo),

Darth_Sidious(SWGalaxies.net and LucasForums.com),

DrthSdios (AIM),

Caleb Babcox (SW:ANT MUSH)

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Our PA utilizes everyone. We need members from every profession and every species. As a member of our organization you will be a covert operative. You will choose a second PA and become a meber there, following which you will share important information with our PA. We will have assassins, though this has no real effect on the game with cloning and all. You just sounded like you were into that 'sneaky' 'BlackOps' type stuff. Thought you might be interested.

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Well, we all do. But more importantly, we need ships. Everything will be done via generic transports with no piltoing necessary. Actual piloting and vessels will not be added until the space expansion sometime next year. You can of course, join a PA and build up the funds and your character whilst waiting for the release. ;)

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Welcome to



Hi im Wraith 8 your local Moderator.

Please Read this before you post!

If you have any problems what so ever, send a Private Message to me.


Here you have your welcome gift to the forums :D:

*gives a large box full of Chocolate Gnorts*


Now for a good PA. we need all the hands we can get. If you want to be a pilot.. BE a pilot. we take any profession you choose. Cause our PA let you be free in game to do what you want to do. the only thing we ask is.... to help one another out in game. if a member of our PA needs some sort of help. we come nad help that person.


So join the Associates:




Our forums are on these forums aswell.. i will link you to them now:



hope you drop by.


-Wraith 8-

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