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Sir Charles Darwin At His Finest


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I feel absolutely no remorse for that kid. ****ing retard got what he deserved.


I feel bad for his family, both for the loss of a family member and for the shame and bad reputation he's given them, but for him, nothing.


Darwin - 1

Retards - 0

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Agreed,.. but the kids egging him on and watching him and doing nothing should all be rounded up and charged as accessories to murder. Simple as that.


And what ever happened to sitting around with your buds and kicking back, cranking up the tunage, downing a few beers and passing around a joint? Why does everything have to be so "EXTREME!!!!" all the time these days? "Take pills till you pass out"? WTF?!? How much fun is that? Where's the social experience in that activity?


I must be gettin' old... I just don't understand kids these days.




Just got though mixing a soundcheck (the show is tomorrow) of all college rock bands, and the only thought going through my mind all night was "WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE SO DAMN LOUD?!!!!?"

My favorite part tonight was when the singers would ask me why they could never hear the vocals in any of the monitors when the guitars and drums were playing, but then the monitors seemed way too loud and feedback-y as soon as the guitars and drums stopped.

Darwin indeed. :rolleyes:


I AM getting old... *sigh* :(

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I must be gettin' old... I just don't understand kids these days.




Its not that, people are just getting dumber and dumber.


As for those chat room cronies, who knows what will happen, if they charged or not charged with a crime, they have to live with the fact that they may or may not have been partially responsible for the death of this kid. Who knows, this kid might have had suicide on his mind the whole time anyway.


If he didn't, well...I'm not going to say he got what he deserved, but I will say that he was an idiot for being so easily persuaded by people who were not even physically there.

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I decided to stop drinking Coca-Cola a bit more than 6 months ago and go for Sprite instead. I recently tried Coca-Cola and I can no longer finish a can, I dislike it now and it is too strong. I remember I would drink it like water.

Coca-Cola is not healthy.


Milk remains the most drunk drink since I was born.

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Originally posted by Nitro

Naturally. Nothing beats milk fresh from the tit. :p

*Pictures Nitro sitting cross-legged in the middle of a medow with a bowl of cornflakes in his lap putting on the milk,.. directly from the udder of a holstien.*

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