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Bastila the almighty


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Another path i was thinking a i read Bastillia's bio is that you somehow will influence her to become your enemy as one of the multple paths. Either you turn bad fight her, or you can do things to push her away from you during the course of the game she'll become bad.


The reason i thought of this is because its seems that their taking a page out of Anakins Skywalkers book, young, desire to prove oneself, and great potential known to enemies and allies alike.


yes i think, but do you think Bastallia going to the darkside is one of the multiple paths? Why or why not?

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I most certainly expect Bastila to go to the Dark Side, one path or the other... and the player will certainly play a huge influence in either her redemption or her fall from grace.


In fact, I would be quite dissapointed if there wouldn't be anything like that in there.

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If you look in the latest screenshot were she's fighting the kath hounds, she has the red glow around her described in the chat... perchance she has fallen.


Personally I would much rather keep a pretty girl my friend than end up chopping her to little cauterized bits.



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We know she is a powerful jedi. Just how powerful do you think?


I notice this in this screen. Look at how she does force lightning. Most point there hand at the target. She raises her hand to the sky in grandiose fashion. Oh she's going to the darkside. Quck and fast. :) Do all extremely powerful young Jedi go this way. Where's the guidance?;)



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Mmm, the picture might be anything, like a shot in the heat of the moment... but doesn't it seem somewhat odd that Bastilla is standing on the other side of the heroes... and that the main character seems to be pointing her gun at a Bastilla using a very well-known dangerous Dark Side power?


Meditate on this, we will...

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Aye, the gun is pointing upward, but still in the direction of Bastilla, and certainly not even close to any of the sith troopers.


To be honest, if someone had asked to write a backstory to this picture, I'd say that Bastilla has basically gone Dark, but not joined the Sith... that she become a side of her own, battling the Sith with her own methods, which would explain why she's attacking the Sith Troopers.


But the changes of that currently occuring in the picture is rather slim. :p

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well there have been somehinting that se would turn to the darkside at some point in the game.


but yes why would a respected jedi to use lightning, mabye it was a more common force power for both sith and jedi at the time of the game, we have not heard anything about what force powers are sith only, the only persons in the movies that have used lighting are sidious/palpatine and count dooku. yes this are sith but GL or anyone else have not sed that force lightning are sith only.

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well if you want her as a friend.......follow her to the darkside then..... ill play trough the game once as a dark jedi and once as a light jedi.


as a dark jedi ill follow her to the darkside and ill do what ever nesesary to save or kill her as a lightjedi.


remember yodas words: - Once you start down the path to the darkside, forever will it dominate your desteny. -

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That makes it sound like she's almost a Dark Jedi to start with...

From what I've heard I think you are the one who drags her over to the dark side. If you are a righteous Jedi she should follow in your foot steps...at least thats what I get from the Bioware forums and chats.


Just a wonderin'


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Pardon, but I can understand that governments and Jedi Orders change throughout the 4000 years... but the Force?


I'm having a rather hard time to believe that the Force woke up one morning and said "I guess that from now on Force Lightning is evil... so it is said, so is it done. There."

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