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A newbie asking a question.

Reborn Outcast

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We use that Yahoo page as our primary site. It's much more private than the forums. That way we can keep our information to ourselves rather than posting it somewhere anyone can look through it. Just so you know, we will have a division entirely devoted to Bounty Hunters and the other Soldier types. So you will fit right in. On top of that, we will help you find a second PA to join, as that is our policy. You will spend most of your time with that second PA gathering information for our PA. Deceit, treachery, intrigue and subterfuge will be our way. Hope to see you soon.


As a side note, we won't be using the SWGalaxies.net site for anything more than a recruiting link. If I were to approve you there, it would give our enemies a chance to check out our member list for your name. Hopefully that makes sense to you.



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To Reborn Outcast and ScarletWinters:


Welcome to the SWGalaxies.Net Forum!!! :)


I'm Jan Gaarni, XO of the Official Welcomming Committee.


Be sure to check out the Read This First thread at the top of this forum, as it contains some guidelines on how to behave, if you haven't all ready. :)


Most here are friendly and the aggression level is far from what you will find in the Official SWG Boards, so I'm sure you will like it here.


Please feel free to stay as long as you want. :)


And have some chocolate covered gnorts. :D Complementary Juztyn. :p


Also be sure to check out the SWGalaxies.Net site which is connected to these forums. :)


We hope you enjoy your stay here on the SWGalaxies.Net Forums. :)

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Well Wraith,

ICly, we should never have any enemies. No one should ever even know we exist unless they are members.


OOCly, I fear that I have already upset you. Shame I must now be stealthy in attaining members in your PA. I would much prefer an open relationship.


Would anyone happen to know what server 'The Legion' will be on? They will be a formidable ally/enemy. Currently they have 70+ members listed on SWGalaxies.net. Though this is probably only an estimate since most of their members are probably only on their main site.

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I keep having these flasbacks of old cop movies...


<<Interlude: Bam Enger Cantina, Corellia>>


Associates Recruiting officer (ARO): So you want to join the Associates? :stash3:


Fresh Meat: Yes, I've heard good things about your PA and I'd like to offer my Mining skills and have a place to set up shop. :drink1:


ARO: Where did you "Hear good things"?


Fresh Meat: Oh around, you know, people talking, on the Galactic Msg Boards, etc. ;)


ARO: Hmm, interesting (he slowly draws his blaster from his hip holster, and points it at fresh meat under the table).. So you wouldn't happen to know anything about "Dark Sovereignty" would you? :twogun:


Fresh Meat: Um, no, who are they? :giveup:


ARO: Riiiiight, Your a spy! You are a member of thier PA trying to infiltrate our PA. You have been sent by Darth Sidious to steal our recruits and take our credits. You are an evil, evil person, I will crush you like a bug!!! (POW, POW, the blaster fires two high power shots right into the belly of Fresh Meat). Hah! Thought you could fool me! Now who's the fool! :lazerhead


<<<hours later>>>


Wraith: Hey ARO, what's going on with recruiting? We haven't had any new members in weeks!


ARO: /em shrugs. I can't seem to get any of them past the initial interview.... :giveup:


Wraith: Well keep trying. :headbump


<<End Interlude>>


MadMardigan (I think I'm losing it) :laughing:

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Seriously, to put this show back on track (or rather, topic), should you join a PA now, after release, or never? Here's some pros and cons:


Join a PA now:

pro: you'll have something to do before release. You're more likely to gain influence in the PA, if that is your aim. You'll have plenty of time to get to know the members.


con: you might not know the other members that well if you join a PA immediately after finding out about SWG. You have no idea how good players they are, nor if the PA will survive two weeks into the game.


Join a PA after release:

pro: you'll know if the PA works or not, and how successful it is. It's established, and the hard work of creating the PA is already done.


con: you will have a weaker position compared to the members who has been in the PA for a long time. Some really successful PA's will have plenty of recruits to choose between, so you might have to work hard to be accepted.


Never join a PA:

pro: you have no-one to answer to. You can dedicate your entire gaming time to your own experience.


con: you'll lack the support of a PA, with its resources and collective might. Also, a PA can be a source of friends and contacts, not only ingame boons.



My advise, if you are totally new to these things, is to lay back and wait until you find some people who you really want to play with. Joining a PA too early can be a bad thing, since you might have missed that PA that would suit you perfectly. After all, every player has its own view of what a PA should be. Look for people who has somewhat of the same view.

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Originally posted by Lord Helmet

Darth Sidious...It's ashame everyone on the forum does know you exist....


Helmet, in order to recruit certain members of our PA had to be open about their membership. As the Associates are the only PA to seriously frequent these boards, then I am quite positive we are fine. Now if I could just get my new members to stop announcing that they have joined. ;)

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No comments on my little story? I thought it was funny!!


That's it! I'm not designing and Driods for any of you!! Or training any animals! Or designing any buildings.... aw hell I still can't decide what I'm going to be... :-(


Whatever gets me the most credits in the shortest amount of time! That's what I'm going to be! ;-p Then I'll simply buy all your silly PAs!


MadMardigan (Hey "Mad" is my first name!)

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Originally posted by Darth_Sidious

OOCly, I fear that I have already upset you. Shame I must now be stealthy in attaining members in your PA. I would much prefer an open relationship.

read your mail... :) and little advice... use the OOC and IC more often. Royal Guard did :p
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Hello Reborn Outcast;

Your post said you were wondering about the need to join a PA. Well in my opinion that will depend on the amount of time you have to invest.


A PA or guild can make or break your game. The best is a group of friends who support one another and share knowledge, resources, and play the game with tactics, discipline and patience. This guild is a pleasure to be in and will quickly teach you the best of what the game can offer.


A bad PA. Overly competitive against each other, immature, lewt speaking, time consuming, resource wasting, me first, argumentitive and an utter waste of your time. If you ever find yourself in this type of PA get out immediately. The lack of respect for individual goals or requirements made upon your personal resources will eventually teach you to ditch any group of people like that.


You must decide why you want to have a PA in the first place. Since everyone will be new they cannot offer to equip you. The PA webpage will not be as useful as the content on the messageboards although you could put up alot of links. You will know as much about the game as anyone else. And since this is going to be a huge game only you know exactly how you want to interact with society. If you accept a PA tag then you accept their reputation.


At the start of EQ myself and a dozen friends all started on the same server. Three friends were approached and finally recruited into a new guild. Hours of time each night they wasted having guild meetings in game or on-line. They had to provide resources to the guild tradesmen to work up their skill in smithing, jewelry, tailoring, and everything else. The bickered over items awarded and complained about everything under the sun. One of my friends finally quit the game disgusted when that guild fell apart because he had invested so much time and effort and had nothing to show for it but a poor reputation that his guild made for themselves.


In conclusion I recommend just playing the game. If every day you group with good players who are fun then you will have fun. If you decide to be Rebel, Imperial, or neutral then fine. If you solo all the time or group no problem. But before you commit your time to a group of people get to know those people. Prove to yourself you get along with them and share goals, tactics, play time and discipline. A guild that is already established has an established reputation. And finally and above all else; when good PA's go bad get out quickly and dont bother looking back.

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Nice story and comments there Xago. Hope to hear a lot more from you in the future.






Wraithy or Jan will most likely give you your official welcome and some chocolate covered Gnorts soon. ;P <--To Jan regarding a previous PM. Blimey bastage ;)

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I myself plan to be a bounty hunter or maybe hire myself out as a body guard/protector. Those are basically solo jobs. So I'll go solo.


If I dont do those things, I will become a Droid Engineer. If I become a droid engineer, I may join a PA because I am sure there are some bonuses that i could exploit for making droids.



I most likely will be a solo player. Cuz i dont wanna have to take no crap from some "leader" telling me what to do. IMO, I think it's kinda stupid to make a PA before the game is even out. . . .

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Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak

so THAT's how you got half of your posts. You just go around and tell people with Bantha Fodder Welcome and then leave. . .


Have you ever tld anybody welcome twice because you didn't remember if you already did or because you just looked at their post count?

what? no way i got my post count from that.


sure i forgot once or twice and posted it again... but sometimes i just reply with the welcome... at this moment i just wanted to make the new member feel welcome .. but i didnt have anything usefull to ad to the conversation so i just welcomed him..


is that enough explanation of my deeds? :p

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