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So I was college searching today...


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I swore I'd never go to this college that like 80% of my school will go to...but it seems fate is carring me there. I'd say I'm almost definate about going there which scares the crap out of me when I look back on it. You need to take money into consideration, like which can you get the better scholarship from,etc and also other factors...like your family tradition being going to a certain college:D

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

Nah, you should definately go to UNC Chapel Hill, much better. :D


There's only ONE college east of the Mississippi I'm considering, and it ain't that


EDIT: And by reason I ment "Getting relatives to chip in to the costs somehow." So I'd probably need another excuse about USC eh?

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Yeah, I would never recommend UNC CH. :D


Just kidding, its a good school, but when searching for college, you need to find the one that suits you best. Who gives a **** what your family or friends think or went to, that is good for them. You need to decide what is important to you and see what school has those things (ie size of school, location, programs availible, degrees offered, prestige, resources availible, activities/athletics).


Make a list of the schools that you are interested in, see what they have to offer and what you can bring to the school as well. Good luck on your college search, its not that hard once you get it figuared out. If you have questions, do a little research and never be afraid to ask.

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