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Results of LFJA Council Meeting

Darth Groovy

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This is the results of our first meeting. All other results will be posted hear just as a FYI for all members.


Issues Resolved:


1. Server Issue: No dedicated server will be implimented due to lack of funds. Games will be hosted by members who are capable of doing so on a volunteer basis.


2. Slogan Issue: Poll results make our slogan "Where destruction has wrought, heroes shall rise frome the ashes." Poll closed


3. Logo Issue: Completed and done by Kstar.


6. Trial Issues: Darth Groovy appointed prosecuting attourney, Dath Maximus bailif, and Obi-wan13 as judge. Defense attourneys will be the Master of the padawan, all other members may choose a defense Attourney as long as the person they choose is Jedi Master status. (1000+ post count)


7. Map Issue. Wes Marrakesh officially has joined and working on our map. Give him 100% support


8. Ammendments to Code of Conduct:


Amendment 1: (February 1st, 2003):


“The Trial System”


Any member, who is found in violation of the LucasForums Jedi Academy Code of Conduct, they will be sentenced to a trial by the LucasForums Jedi Academy Council. The accused member will need an attorney; if the member is a Padawan, the attorney will be that Padawan’s Master, and if the member holds a rank of Jedi Knight or Higher, they may pick an attorney who holds a status of Jedi Master or higher in the Academy. The trial will be held in a private room (a.k.a. hotel room), and will be paid for by the Council. The Prosecutor will be Darth Groovy, the jury the Council, and the Judge will be obi-wan13. The Judge also reserves the right to overrule the ruling of the council, either to suspend, exonerate or expel the accused.


Amendment 2: (February 1st, 2003):


“The Point System”


Every member that joins the LucasForums Jedi Academy as a Padawan shall start with five (5) Points. For every time this Padawan has violated the code, one of their points will be taken away. If the Padawan ever reaches zero points, they shall be ordered to a trial by council. If the Padawan is not expelled, they will be put on probation by the council. This amendment does not apply to any members with a status of Jedi Knight or higher.



That concludes all the issues for this month's meeting.

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Originally posted by Darth Groovy

Every member that joins the LucasForums Jedi Academy as a Padawan shall start with five (5) Points. For every time this Padawan has violated the code, one of their points will be taken away. If the Padawan ever reaches zero points, they shall be ordered to a trial by council. If the Padawan is not expelled, they will be put on probation by the council.


That basically explains it pretty well, Flanders. Once all the padawan's points have been taken away, we will introduce the trial system recently implemented, and, taking into account the previous events or problems occured with the convicted member, establish whether they are fit to remain in the Academy. Their punishment will either be probation or expulsion, like Groovy stated.

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Just wanted to add, that we are not trying to rule our members to death, it's just that our membership has grown so much, and we want that.


LF was nice enough to give us our own forums, so we feel it necessary to enforce certain standards which help us uphold our reputation.


Translation: "We dont want anyone to make us look bad."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry Z, but the council members will always remain the jury.


Originally posted by Darth Groovy

The Prosecutor will be Darth Groovy, the jury the Council, and the Judge will be obi-wan13.


It's just so we have a constant group of honest and experienced people to give their opinion at the end of the day. Well that is how I see it anyway:)

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