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Covert Status.

Deft Aklin

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I realize that for whatever reason, a large number of you are upset with me along with Wraith. I will pose a question here that is imperative to my PAs existence. So, please, if you know anything, help me out.


As far as PAs are concerned, I thought they were going to have a covert status you could set yourself to to hide your allegiance to any faction or PA. I posed this question on the official boards, but as I have said in the past, most of those people are snivelling idiots. I was hoping that some of you might be able to enlighten me. Unfortunately, Wraith normally has all the answers, but I fear he will not reply. Perhaps Jan could help?


BTW, this is not a call for all of my Dark Sovereignties members to announce their allegiance. You guys are killing me with that so please stop. Espionage, covert and secret should all come to mind. Even if it is OOC, who would hire a known spy to their PA?

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The only thing about overt and covert I've read, is that you can join the Empire or the Rebels as either overt or covert. As an overt member, you will have more advantages, but you will also always be PvP against overt members of the rivalling faction.


About your PA allegiances being overt or covert, I've never heard anything 'bout it. Sorry.

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I'm just looking for a nice clean PA with which I could easily connect. I did try joining Dark Sovereginity, but their covert ideas do not seem fair to me, thus I requested to be removed and so I began searching again.


I can understand if you don't trust me to join the Associates (I wouldnt either if this would happen to me), but still my only goal is to have a good time and make some friends.

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Originally posted by Gorg

I'm just looking for a nice clean PA with which I could easily connect. I did try joining Dark Sovereginity, but their covert ideas do not seem fair to me, thus I requested to be removed and so I began searching again.


I can understand if you don't trust me to join the Associates (I wouldnt either if this would happen to me), but still my only goal is to have a good time and make some friends.

i see... well.. to leave a PA... go to SWGalaxies.net.. and to the PA you wish to leave..... than there is a resign button ot link where the join button link used to be. :D i have to make sure that my year of work for my PA isnt just ruined by one mistake on my part ... sorry i do seem a bit carefull.... :)
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Yes Wraith, Gorg is my head secret agent running a plot to over-run your PA. ;) j/k

Yah, my first priority is to infiltrate the PA I find to be the least of a threat. ;) (That came out wrong. I meant it to sound as if we are friendly and not as if I am strong or you are weak as we can't even be compared in these terms. We're just different.)

Yes I did try to recruit Gorg. We couldn't figure out where he belonged in the PA as a lone Bounty Hunter really has no place. It was a BH you wanted to be wasn't it Gorg? Anyway, if I was out to over-run everyone, it would be The Galactic Fed. Their venerable leader lacks common sense and laughed at me when I refused his offer to join as his mini-intel division. Perhaps he didn't seem to understand the benefits of working together. His loss.

*Shakes a fist at SophusDominus*

You'll get yours. ;)

Anyway, I have begun rambling again and I don't remember what I was going to say. Oh, yah, give the kid a chance. If you're that afraid he works for me, then give him a low rank and keep him on watch. That's what I'd do. Seriously though, you can't assume that everyone trying to join you works for me, doing so would basically kill your recruiting. Just take precautions to prevent any damage. Anyway.....rambling again. Besides, if I REALLY wanted to get someone in there I would recruit someone from somewhere else, there are a million boards just like this one (minus the friendly people of course ;)), that I could recruit from to get in your PA.


Editted to add:

Wraith, yell at Juz and tell him to make a 'fire' button. ;)

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I know this all looks and sounds confusing and I understand Wraith's concern.


As for myself I dont think I would feel at home at a PA where I was 'being watched' as if I'm some sort of traitor. It just doesnt feel right. I guess that if I want to be a real BH, I have to work alone. I just hope I'll find some friends when the game is released, because there is way too much 'politics' going on before it's release.


I'm sorry if I caused any trouble to you all...




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Declared member of faction: always vulnerable to PvP, gets more benafits, all people can see allegiance. likely to get missions.

Covert member: gets fewer if no benefits, can help by doing things like healing members of same faction. Vulnerable to PvP for a short time after doing something like healing someone of their faction. probably doesn't get missions.


I read this late, so forgive me if I'm wrong.

BTW, I'm going covert.

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Don't take it that serious, Gorg. I think they are both overreacting a little! :D


Seriously, since I have hereby pulled away the shrouds of secrecy and revealed that I am the captain of the armed forces of the Associates, I must say that you are welcome among our ranks. Within my guard, you are innocent until proved guilty. And that's when you get to know the finer details of getting plummeled with a vibro-axe! :D No, seriously, I'm a bit harder to rile. But then, I get a bit more riled when the actual riling is on. So don't get me riled, right? ;)


[EDIT] yes, I still have a pretty severe fever, if you wondered after reading this post.

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Originally posted by Gorg

I know this all looks and sounds confusing and I understand Wraith's concern.


As for myself I dont think I would feel at home at a PA where I was 'being watched' as if I'm some sort of traitor. It just doesnt feel right. I guess that if I want to be a real BH, I have to work alone. I just hope I'll find some friends when the game is released, because there is way too much 'politics' going on before it's release.


I'm sorry if I caused any trouble to you all...




hey dont be... we have a group of 5 bounty hunter wannabees :p in our group.. if i let you. in they will be there for help and advice. still want in?
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I'd be glad to join up. I'm a good RPer (well at least I consider myself to be one) and I'd love any help from your fellow team-mates.


I promis you will not fail you and that in time we will know each other enough to be a successful PA.


So Yes :)

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