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Lookin' for a PA


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With all these PA posts I've read, I've basicaly just seen two (louder) PAs on this board, but I'm sure that there are others which would be happy to recruit a dedicated player.


What I would like to hear now is (if this is even possible...) to hear what kind/how organized thery PAs are. I've been in many guilds (but no Everquest/AO/... like guilds) and have been a SW fan as long as I can remember.


Basicaly my character concept would be an Assassin/Bounty Hunter/Mercenary whose main goal would be power and money. This is a very typical choice for many players (as was to be expected), but in my experience (on various MUSHes) very few acctualy make good characters. I have tested this type of character on several MUSHes and I hope I wil be able to do so in SWG. I'm looking for a PA which should RP-aimed and would support my quest. In return I shall give the PA my support and my help/resources and my time.


I'm looking forward to playing the game with all my heart (if I find a way to get it from America to Europe so I dont have to wait forever to get it).


I hope that you PA Leaders(Mebers) will find time to write an informative post (or at least show some links - I know many of them were shown, but I'd like to see all of them lined up:) )


I thank you for your time and hope to hear from you all soon!



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I can most assuredly believe that you can only be talking about the near feudal exchanges between the Associates and myself. Both are good PAs, though of course I am going to push mine a little harder. Our organization is a group of covert operatives that intend to infiltrate as many PAs as we can. By doing this we will create an immense PA of intelligence agents and gather knowledge from all the corners of the galaxy. We are currently still in the organization period of our PA, so you can help form the PA to what you want it to be along with the rest of us. If this is intiguing to you, please head over to our Yahoo site in my sig and join. Can't wait to hear from you.



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In contrast to D_S PA, which has a clear motifé, the Associates (=A=) is supposed to be a foundation for SWGalaxies.net to meet ingame. So right now, we are a more relaxed organization. Sure, we'll find goals ingame to achieve. But right now, I'm not out looking for them. ;)

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Sounds Interesting Darth, but that whole espionage thing isnt for my character. All I really want is a good support group of players where I hope to fit in.


Do the Associates have any home page or anywhere where I could find more information?

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