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Note, this isnt my mod, but im one of the few lasting members of its communitee and dont want to see it die and i have permission to attempt to save it. And i figure the best way to save it is to get people to play it and get it out to the public.






Theres a link to where you can download the alpha of the mod. Its a really sweet saber dueling mod with some awesome slow motion dodges. It has model scaling, ahh the jedi mod saber hilt selection and a bunch of other cool options. Unfortunatly the mod has died because the teams too busy to work on it and they dont plan on coming back. So if theres anyone interested in helping save the mod (we need team members) please just go post on the forum boards)

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yeah its a dueling only mod. Its the best mod for jo right now in my opinion. The team has given up on it, but theyre giving us all the work theyve done and some of us are going to attempt to finish it. We just need a few coders, (haha if wudan and his crew gets the animation working maybe a few animators) heck even a few modelers to give sos a few exclusive models/saber hilts would be nice too.

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