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Kenshin fans check in!


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All right, I've noticed that a lot of people are talking about Kenshin or have him as an Avatar so I was just wondering how many of us like the red haired rurouni (or battousai). How long have you all been watching? Who's your favorite character? least favorite? What's better the OVA or TV show? I would really like to know. I've been watching for like half a year now. I love Kenshin and Soujiro the best because they are so complex. I HATE Karou (sp?) and I'm very fond of the TV show because well...there's more Kenshin! The OVA rocks too, but it depresses me! Waaa! Tomoe! *Sniff sniff* Oh well, I'm done now.

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Kenshin rocks!! :D After I get the whole series of Cardcaptors on DVD i'm gattin all of Rurouni Kenshin.



Okay u gotta tell me, there's, rurouni kenshin and samurai x, so which one's first... list the series title in order for me so i don't end up gettin the last series first and the first series last on dvd :p

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Samurai X is what's called the Kenshin OVA. It's when Kenshin is 14 and the Battousai during the Revolution. Technically it's before the TV show Rurouni Kenshin but it was made after the TV show was out for a while. So if you wanna know all about the Battousai wat Samurai X first.

Hey, do you guys watch Kenshin in Japanese or English? I watch it in Jap, dun really like it in English.

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Hehehe, I compleatly agree. Kenshin is one heck of a great anime show. The OVA are really great too, and I would have to say the Kyoto arc is the best I've seen of Kenshin so far. And HURRAY for the soundtrack, which I think is WAY underappreciated by a lot of people. But all in all I think Kenshin has done well as far as popularity goes, and I hope it continues to be a popular anime show for years to come!

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Posted by Death

All right, I've noticed that a lot of people are talking about Kenshin or have him as an Avatar so I was just wondering how many of us like the red haired rurouni (or battousai).

Kenshin rocks! :D



Damn you, Lynk, you've made me look unoriginal now :xp::D

How long have you all been watching?


...About two months... ^_^


Who's your favorite character?
I think it'd have to be several...


Sano, cos he's just kewl ^_^

Saitoh, cos he's one mean bastard, and the things he says to Sano are just gold :D

and Soujiro, for many reasons... :p


Sadly, Kenshin himself ain't one of my favourites - he comes a *very* close second, though... =)


Least favorite?

Hmmmz... Of the regular characters, probably Ayame and Suzume... They just irritate me x.x



What's better the OVA or TV show?
TV! It's just... Awesome... XD


What I've seen of the OVAs is good, but just not quite as good... :)



Kewl thread btw :D ...You really need to post here more, and if you do, we might get more of these insane people watching anime... XD

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Originally posted by QueenSith

Hehehe, I compleatly agree. Kenshin is one heck of a great anime show. The OVA are really great too, and I would have to say the Kyoto arc is the best I've seen of Kenshin so far. And HURRAY for the soundtrack, which I think is WAY underappreciated by a lot of people. But all in all I think Kenshin has done well as far as popularity goes, and I hope it continues to be a popular anime show for years to come!


!!!!!!!!! YOU!!!!!!! *GLOMP* You finally posted!!! XD XD ^________^ *does happy dance*


*aHEM* Oh yeas, the welcome.


Welcome to Aresen (RogueSquadron.Net/RSN), QueenSith, and don't forget to check your sanity in at the door. You won't be needing it here ;):D

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I'm defitely a kenshin fan (my favorite anime series).


I've watch all 96 episodes, OVAs, and the movies. And all was great.


My favorite fighting scene was between kenshin and saitoh or kenshin vs. Shishio.


For those who likes anime, kenshin is a must.


Check it out if you have the chance. Higly recommend.

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Heh, I find Saitoh the most complex and yet so simple character in the series, which makes him the best outta the lot. Aho is amusing, so is Battosai, but Saitoh is the best, and Gatotsu kills the regular moves of that pathetic Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu with its three stances only. The Zero Gatotsu also kicks Ama Kakeru Ryu No Hirameki's ass too if you think about it a little. Hell the Zero Gatotsu was thought up as a counter move to the Hiten's succession technique.


Meh, I guess I like Saitoh the most cuz he reminds me of myself kinda.

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Saito Hajime is possibly the coolest man in Rurouni Kenshin. Or in all of anime universe. He reminds me of Clint Eastwood, only deadlier.

On the surface, Saito appears to be an unfeeling and ruthless killer. I still can't get over how he'd beaten Sano to within an inch of his life when they first met. He didn't even know Sano! But he wanted to get Kenshin's attention and almost killing Sano did the trick nicely. That's Saito in a nutshell for you. Never hesitate to take complete advantage of another man's weakness.


A taciturn man who carries a cigarette when he's not brandishing his sword, Saito rarely loses his cool. If you asked him, Saito'd probably say absolute discipline or self-control is his greatest virtue. Although he acts like a savage and unforgiving man who cares about no one and nothing else but his own particular brand of unrelenting justice, I do believe there is more to Saito than meets the eye. After all, a man with a kind and caring wife—a man who compliments his wife thus—cannot be a completely heartless man. It's just too bad that Kenshin and Saito can never be friends. But I think it says a lot to realize they are, in fact, the best of enemies. They don't see eye to eye on a lot of issues, but they have tremendous respect for each other.


But my favorite character has to be Kenshin. He carries a "reverse blade" sword and vows never to kill again. I love Kenshin for what he is—an honest man who wants nothing more than to live a better life, one free of death and strife. He believes he should fight to help preserve the uneasy peace of the Meiji era, and to protect the people he cares about. He would not hesitate to lay his life down for them.


But, it is not until Kenshin returns to Hiko to complete his training that he realizes what it is he lacked to find the quietude his spirit has craved for so long—the will to live. It is not enough that he should be unafraid to die protecting the people he loves. When one fights to die, one fights with nothing at stake... without true purpose. You might even call it a defeatist attitude. Kenshin needs to learn to value his own life as dearly as he does the lives of others. A person who fights with an overwhelming desire to survive the battle—the person whose love for life is greater than his lust for blood or his thirst for vengeance—is the true champion... and ultimately the more powerful swordsman.

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I have to admit that Saito is a very amazing character. Even though I didn't like him at first he soon grew on me and I just love how he is willing to put the mission above everything. I just wish we could have met his wife at one point. Oh well.

But one of my favorite characters (besides Kenshin who is above all) would have to be Soujiro. I think the boy is so complex and tragic that I can't help but love him. I actually cried when I saw his background episode (Ya, ya I'm a girly girl, shuddup). I also saw one of Kenshin's possible futures in Soujiro. Think about it, they are similar in so many ways. They both had their family (or family figures) slaughtered when they were young. They both met someone who became their mentor and master. They both killed many men and then became wanderers to find a new meaning in life. If Kenshin hadn't met Hiko I believe that he could have ended up just like Soujiro. But Soujiro was never LOVED when he was a child and that made the difference. All he knew was pain and suffering and hate. No wonder he turned out the way he did. I just wish we could have seen more of him when he became rurouni. Maybe see him discovered the emotions he worked so hard to forget (but not with someone like Karou *gag*). Oh well, I'm done now. *Goes to watch her Kenshin episodes*

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Originally posted by -s/<itzo-

and ultimately the more powerful swordsman.


It'd be like that if Saitoh never saw his 2 staged Ama Kakeru Ryu No Hirameki, but he did (when Shinta used it on Makoto), so yeah Kenshin would win in about those 5-10 episodes when they started chasing Shi-Shi-o, however if they fought sometime afterwards, Saitoh would know what to do. The Gatotsu Succession Technique Zero is just the thing to kill off Kenshin while he's doing his Succession Technique. Think about it a little, you'll know I'm right. Actually the Ama Kakeru Ryu No Hirameki WANTS the Zero Gatotsu to defeat it. I can explain it further if you want me to, but it's really very easy to see how Saitoh would do it.

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when i made that statement i wasn't refering to saitoh, i meant it in general.



as of comparing kenshin and saitoh in a battle i still think kenshin has a slight advantage. their technique is equal but saitoh's is a bit predictable. i give hand to hand combat to saitoh and he is definetly stronger than kenshin. but mental, speed, agility wise kenshin has the advantage.


comman did you see saitoh against shishio? saitoh didn't even stand a chance but kenshin's will to live got the best of shishio and ultimately showed whos stronger between the two.

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you really think saitoh can counter or defend against kenshin's Ama Kakeru Ryu No Hirameki.


i seriously don't think thats possible to defend against that attack.


remember in episode 30 when kenshin and saitoh were fighting. if kenshin didn't have that Sakabatou (reverse-bladed sword) saitoh would of been dead. because kenshin hit saitoh in the back of the neck, he could of been decapitated if he didn't have the sakabatou sword.



and tell me this, saitoh's moves are very predictable. sooner or later it would be useless against kenshin since he can learn from it so quick. he can counter from it easily kinda like Shinomori did. saitoh had a hard time with him and shinomori was very inferior comparing him to shishio.


don't get me wrong saitoh is one of the best but i just can't picture saitoh being a superior fighter to kenshin.

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Hiko Seijuro is not what I had expected of the man who has taught Kenshin his incredible swordsmanship. I'd imagined a small old man. A Yoda-like creature. But when Hiko Seijuro made his appearance, I was very surprised. This is the manliest man in Rurouni Kenshin.


Hiko is tall, muscular, arrogant. He treats Kenshin and, in fact everyone else who crosses his path, with seeming contempt. But, he's not a cruel man... he's simply not one to mollycoddle you if he likes you. I get the impression this man has intimacy issues but when he makes up his mind to flirt with a girl, he is shameless!


The thing about Hiko is the uncanny way he understands the world around him as much as he does himself. He doesn't mince his words because he knows he speaks the truth. If Hiko comes across as arrogant, it's because he's earned the privilege. He is not arrogant in the ways most arrogant people are arrogant. A lot of people can't see beyond his seemingly narcissistic front but he really does care about the people he meets. Kenshin and his friends, for instance. He's a shrewd judge of character who admires the qualities of talent, integrity and self-reliance. Outward appearances don't sway him at all. Remember the way he treated Fuji...? Hiko is just amazing that way. And he's a man of his word; he just doesn't want you to think you can actually rely on him.


Maybe it's just me, but I love all the scenes with Hiko and Kenshin. What an odd and funny couple! It's obvious that Hiko likes his star disciple a lot... he just won't admit it. He criticizes Kenshin every chance he gets. Perhaps he sees in Kenshin something he wishes he has. As far as I'm concerned, though, Hiko is 100% Man. There is nothing he lacks or needs. I'll take him just the way he is!

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